This Q&A response to protecting minors is unacceptable

The following question is an incredibly important one in today’s society. EA and CG claim to put young players above all else by keeping the game and chat family-friendly at all times, but when it comes to preventing kids from becoming addicted to gambling aspects in your game you can’t even answer the question? The community deserves an answer to this, especially if we are going to continue to recommend the game to our friends and young family members.

[QUESTION: gohwolfpack]
Hey CG,
What precautions will you put in place to protect players, especially minors, from the gambling aspects of the game...particularly anything where the odds aren't clear and money is involved...crystal drops for characters, etc?

[CVG] This is obviously a very touchy subject. Aspects of chance and random outcomes have existed in games and collection activities throughout the ages. Consider baseball card packs, or collectible card games like Magic: The Gathering, or even rolling dice in D&D or other table top games. A fundamental theme to these types of games -- both in the collection of characters and items as well as in the combat or gameplay -- is randomness and chance. Our game is a hybrid RPG / CCG (Role Playing Game / Collectible Card Game). And, like its predecessors, we likewise have random outcomes woven throughout the experience.

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