Zeta Help

Hi Guys and Gals,

I'm hoping to get some advise on which Zeta to update next. I've currently got 12 Toons with a Zeta on them. My Arena Rank sucks (Nov '15 shard iirc) and floats between 200 - 300.
I do ok in contributing to Raids / TB / TW, usually I'm top 3 of my guild in contribution.
Below is a link to my gg
Some of the possibilities (in no particular order) I'm looking at putting the Zeta on are...

EP Leader (have his unique)
Asajj Unique
Starck (worth a zeta before Veers??)
JTR Unique
Barriss (is she still relevant??)


Also, while perusing, if you can tell me how I'm doing Arena wrong, I'd appreciate it. I feel like I'm way under-performing for my GP.



  • Nokhai
    174 posts Member
    Barriss still is under GK lead but that teams sucks against an EP lead team with Sion.I would suggest to zeta Palp's lead.I did that and left his unique as it is.
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    Where do you want to use your zeta"ed" toon ? Mostly Arena, Raid, TB, TW...
    zAsajj is very helpfull in the HAAT raid, she hits very very very hard !
    I think Zarriss still can be very usefull in different areas.

    Regarding your arena rank : I used to run the exact same team as yours.
    It does the job on offense but defense was horrible mainly because of Biggs and Wedge.
    You may wanna consider dropping them. I know it's painfull...
    I dropped them for Thrawn and General Kenobi (or Rex) and it was a real improvement.

  • Nokhai
    174 posts Member
    Where do you want to use your zeta"ed" toon ? Mostly Arena, Raid, TB, TW...
    zAsajj is very helpfull in the HAAT raid, she hits very very very hard !
    I think Zarriss still can be very usefull in different areas.

    Regarding your arena rank : I used to run the exact same team as yours.
    It does the job on offense but defense was horrible mainly because of Biggs and Wedge.
    You may wanna consider dropping them. I know it's painfull...
    I dropped them for Thrawn and General Kenobi (or Rex) and it was a real improvement.

    Can you imagine a Rex with zeta?Perhaps granting allies Tenacity Up after he gets killed.
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    @Cabroncito0518 if your guild is working towards the Heroic Sith raid i'd consider putting a zeta on a toon that would help you there
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    Thanks @SethRogan Our guild consistently runs HAAT now, but none of us even have GK... not saying he's needed for Sith Raid, but that's the big thing we're all still working on as a group.

    If Arena is where I'm wanting to focus on, then what should I do?
    Top 10 players all run an EP Lead with Thrawn, Sion, Vader, Nihilus.
    On paper I don't think I'm that far off this team, but this team can't even get past the 200 mark for me... not sure if the missing Zeta's on Sion, DN and EP make THAT much difference. It's why I"m thinking of the Zeta on EP Leader.
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    I'm on the same boat. I was thinking Ventress but Idk, EP would be great. I have Zavage, Zaul, zFinn and zKRU so I'm thinking she would round out leadership for my NS team that I haven't started farming hard. Zylo is a tasty option as he can solo raids. Idk!! Plus Zylo would deff help on getting BB8 to seven stars and thus the road to JTR would be on.
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    @Cabroncito0518 I'd gear up thrawn and rex and put that into arena. Rex(L). CLS, R2, Thrawn and zolo. Stun vader first and get tenacity up. You'll be able to compete with empire teams then
  • Nokhai
    174 posts Member
    SethRogan wrote: »
    @Cabroncito0518 I'd gear up thrawn and rex and put that into arena. Rex(L). CLS, R2, Thrawn and zolo. Stun vader first and get tenacity up. You'll be able to compete with empire teams then

    I suggest stunning Thrawn first because if you stun Vader first Thrawn will immediately swap turns with Palp and if that happens you're history.I always stun Thrawn first,let Vader do his AoE which grants my team tm,put tenacity up,give retribution and then my Palp stuns what he can.
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    Go for Palp lead Vader Thrawn Cls Han/or R2

    Need palp lead zeta ideally for that team.
    Can swap last 2 with Sion and Nihilus when they are ready. Shore or gk options too, ive even seen Dtroop. But the team i mentioned should definitely help you climb if you have decent mods especially since its your top 5 already g12!

    I just switched from a Rogue One Variant, it was a sad day, but can't argue with results. Getting past the rebel teams was a little tricky cuz wasn't sure how to use the team yet but one into top 50 (all sith and jtr) taking down sith is easy
  • Nokhai
    174 posts Member
    Why is everyone using GK under Palp lead?He has zero synergy and gets almost no TM.He's just dead weight.Either use two tanks like Sion and Shore/Storm/ST or go for Tarkin (this guy rocks!!).
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    Palp lead zeta is pretty bad against sith raid but really really good in ds tb
  • Nokhai
    174 posts Member
    Creepioo wrote: »
    Palp lead zeta is pretty bad against sith raid but really really good in ds tb

    Vader lead is way more better than Palp lead.I was struggling with Palp lead and with Vader lead i just plow through those rebels.
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    Thanks @Creepioo
    Currently tried out EP (no Lead zeta yet), GAT, Sion (no zeta), Vader, Zolo... seemed to work well. Burned down a JTR team. We'll see how well I hold up on defense.

    Still need about 14 shards for Rex to be 7*... not great gear, but doesn't look too hard.
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    No problem, hows Sith going still working better?
    When/if you zeta Palp lead will help alot.
    With Han on the team you can stun enemy Vader and your Vader can go first do aoe and then clease some debuff with blade and giving rest of your team like 15% tm and hopefully whole team goes first.

    I've never uses Rex but there definitely some rex teams at the top of arena
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    Thanks for all the response.
    I put the Zeta on EP Lead. Now I run EP, Sion, zzVader, zGAT, zRaidHan
    I've been holding my position in arena pretty well, at least after 2 days. haven't dipped below 200 at all.
    I usually take the Vader AOE and will stun (depending on team) R2, EP, GAT. This lets me go to work on everyone else which usually involves putting fracture on the other big person. Vader can be deadly but he can't do it on his own, so I usually leave him to the end to finish off.

    Thanks for all the help from everyone for making me reconsider how I was approaching arena. I feel like I'm better prepared.
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    Yup no prob glad to help out
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