Ship raid

Since ships are in the process of being rebirthed, how cool would it be if we got a ship raid? How about blowing up the Death Star or something? The ships part of the game lack creativity and is such a drag for a large portion of players. Making it a guild interaction would push players to contribute.


  • Antares
    686 posts Member
    What year is this? 2016? Lol

    No, seriously, this has been suggested a million times since the start of ships. I also hope that they will release more ship content, but I have learned to be very skeptical with respect to this game and new great stuff.
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    Antares wrote: »
    What year is this? 2016? Lol

    No, seriously, this has been suggested a million times since the start of ships. I also hope that they will release more ship content, but I have learned to be very skeptical with respect to this game and new great stuff.

    Ships were only out for a month in 2016 lol but this is probably the biggest rework of the ships and what better time to release a ship raid than now? And how long has CLS been out and we don’t have his x-wing yet? Who blew up the first Death Star I forgot? I think it was commander Luke skywalker and what better heroic raid reward for blowing up the Death Star than CLS x-wing.
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