Luminara Unduli or Barriss Offee as my Jedi healer?



  • Vendi1983
    5029 posts Member
    I have Aayla 7* but not promoted, waiting on credits, she's one of my favorite Jedi. Jedi assist with +50% damage is pretty sweet, stun on critical, as well as her counter chance.

    As for the original Q, if it's for arena, Luminara because she hits harder. But in general remove your healers from arena and just hit for max damage/debuffs/stuns.
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    I have Aayla 7* but not promoted, waiting on credits, she's one of my favorite Jedi. Jedi assist with +50% damage is pretty sweet, stun on critical, as well as her counter chance.

    As for the original Q, if it's for arena, Luminara because she hits harder. But in general remove your healers from arena and just hit for max damage/debuffs/stuns.

    Good advice, if this was about 2 yrs ago
  • Vendi1983
    5029 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    We're debating using Jedi in arena so I feel like this whole convo is out of date...

    I personally do not try to get to top of my shard, I'm building a team I enjoy using and I'm happy if I stay in the sub 500's and eventually under 200 while I build other teams for other aspects of the game.
    Post edited by Vendi1983 on
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    I remember reading that the consensus was Lumi first, then Barriss eventually. I 7*-ed Lumi early, while Barriss languishes near the bottom of my roster (4*, level 50-60, middling Gear & Mods). My Lumi's only level 74, Gear 9. But I use her a lot.
    Everyone says healers get less important near end-game. So it seems designed for Lumi to be the quicker farm, with abilities designed for early-to-mid player levels. Then, just before healers become unnecessary, your Barriss is now properly leveled and geared, with abilities suited for high-damage opponents.

    I will get around to advancing Barriss one of these days. She's pretty far back in line, but if I felt I had to, I could push her higher fairly quickly.

    But, personally, I prefer Luminara. Some reasons why:

    *Luminara's not a horrible traitor!
    *Luminara has better headgear. (Seriously, I call her the "Space Nun". And I want to build a team involving her & Vissas Marr, A.K.A: "Lady Lampshade", + like Leia, Assaj, etc. Call the team "Fashion Shoot".
    *Luminara's Ability Block comes in handy.
    *Barriss's basic lightsaber attack does about as much damage as a kiss from Granny.

    So, Luminara first, Barriers eventually.
  • Options
    "Barriers"? Ha!
  • Options
    Jedis are wack.

    And nobody uses healers.

  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    Barriss Offee
    Jedis are wack.

    And nobody uses healers.

    Chirrut. Daka. Hyoda.
    Still not a he.
  • BulYwif
    1977 posts Member
    Barriss Offee
    Bariss first then Hermit at longer term.
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