what does Target Lock do on toons exactly?



  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    Caiaphas wrote: »
    Warning to those that would otherwise try it:

    The combo of zIG88, zProbot, and zTalzin does NOT work in practice. It fails due to IG88. His 3 health and 7 protection, and 2 potency, means that a care bear can kill him, he can't land target lock, and so he is a waste of space.

    In a full BH squad he might be useful, but in squads made up of Boba, Talzin, IG88, Probot, Wampa, Zombie, GK, etc... well I cant get it to work at all. My last match was versus a Palp lead, and I pressed the screen a grand total of 0 times. Got no turns at all.

    Well that is not IG88s fault. Any slow team that goes against and EP Vader combo may not get to move. You need a pre-taunt tank and/or tenacity up mechanic or faster vader to compete. Chirrut/Baze work well.
  • Caiaphas
    187 posts Member
    ^ It's a good thought, but I tried it. Problem is Han and/or CLS. Both can one-shot IG88. CLS ignores the taunt, while Raid Han can't be evaded.
    Gives you more of a chance vs. Palp if Target Lock sticks so that Sion/whoever can't taunt, though, you are right
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    Yeah. Just have to put him on a team where someone else is more dangerous and will get primaried. Thrawn or Nihilus fit with any team and will draw and can survive a CLS or Han open.
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