Some Bugs Since Last Update

SWGOH Report

Kylo Ren Lightsaber sound effect very similar to MagmaGuard weapon sound fx. (Needs to have a lower sound pitch, at a higher volume)
Boba Fett no use of weapon...?
Count Douku - Bonus attack moment animation starts a bit late, causing him to slide to opponents, doesn't look nice.
Darth Maul - character eyes are white...? In movie he has yellow eyes.
Jedi Knight Anakin - Character shard icon has erased background behind he's hair, seems transparent in a spot.
Automatic Attack AI - Doesn't work as nicely now. Before Feb 2016 update, automatic updates would make my team attack the strongest opponent, and when he died, target the next strongest opponent, now my team will randomly switch between enemy opponents, this is very unsettling.
Manual attacks are in SLOW MOTION.
Automatic attacks go at a NORMAL speed.
Galactic Wars are too hard for level 40-55 players, cant get passed 9 matches with maxed out team levels and level 5 gear each.
We need an option to skip PROGRESS 2/3, FINAL ENCOUNTER. Gets very tedious after 300 matches.
Need NOTIFICATION for "Fresh Shipments Available!" Every 6 hours, like BONUS ENERGY, but for shipments.
New sound effect for Defense powerups, Different sound effect for Lightsaber powerups , different sound effect for force powerups.
Better scrolling system for choosing 6th team mate, sometimes choosing one i dont want by mistake, maybe scroll down?

Savage Opress - 3D model of character, horns are too long. Exact same animations as Darth Maul, doesn't fight the same way in the Clone Wars as Darth Maul though.
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