50 mil heroic casual guild looking for daily players for Sith raid progression

I’m with The Hyozan Reckoners. We are a laid back guild with haat and hPit on farm. currently t4 Sith Raid looking for more rjt teams to push heroic. We currently only have three rules: must be active at least once every week or booted, the Champion rule in heroics for the 1st 24 hrs. We use the Discord app, but it’s not required at this time. We’re 20* for both DS and LS tb and that will grow as we refill our roster. Hope you can join us.

Please have rjt or be working towards her for her return since she is needed for phase 1 of heroic Sith.

Send me a message and I’ll send you an invite or search for The Hyozan Reckoners in-game. My ally code is 513-346-367.

Hope to get the chance to meet you


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