Does your guild need help with HAAT? I can help.

I have been playing this game since nearly the beginning. My roster is fairly strong, despite spending very little money on the game. Lately I have grown a little burned out on the game. I have decided to leave my current guild (which is a very good guild btw). They are focused on completing HSR and I am feeling stressed. I don't blame them, they are competitive, but at times they can be too overbearing and demanding.

So, I am offering my services to a guild who needs help completing HAAT. I can't solo HAAT, but I should be able to help get your guild over the top. I am willing to stay in your guild till you can complete HAAT without me. I don't care for Sith Raid, so I will help only moderately.

I will help your guild in every way possible. (Tix, TW, TB, HR, Donations, etc.)

My ally


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