First order squad

I'm working on a first order team. Currently have Kylo and phasma at 6* and FOO at 4.need help on the 4th and 5th too. Options. I was thinking of yoda as a 4th but not sure .


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    There's a guy called wadlinq on my server who is currently rank 2 with a mostly FO team. I'm rank 5 right now and find it extremely difficult to beat. He runs phasma leader, Kylo, FOO, FOTP, and poggle. If RNG doesn't fall in your favour, you get destroyed by it. It is certainly a dangerous squad even though it doesn't fit the meta, and works great on defence too. That's what I'd recommend you go for. If FOTP is going to be too long of a grind for you, ig86 or GS are good replacements.
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    Alright. I have ig86 at almost 6*. Fotp is a long grind . Thanks for the help dooku
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