Best SWGOH Characters for Arena and Galaxy wars

Characters to farm (especially If you're F2P)

If HP or Damage is not mentioned assume that it is moderate

All these characters stats and worth are judged at 7* and max gear level and ability level

Farmability is numbered from 1-4

This is not a list of stronger to weaker, that is for you to judge. This list is to help F2P players filter out who to go for. Or moderate P2P players. Choose 7 or 8 to farm, take farmability into account. Teams will be listed at the end.

Qui-Gon Jinn (Great leader ability, Good in a Jedi team, Assist ability and high speeder, and a Buff killer ability) PVP or GW F2P and P2P recommended

Farmable;Cantina Shipments;1.5

Yoda (If you can get him without sacraficing other characters progress, Foresight; Buff stealer, Debuff protection, Fastest character) P2P recommended


Darth Sidious (Strong leader ability, Heal immunity and high damage and Health alongside his self-heal and speed) PVP or GW F2P and P2P recommended

Farmable;Arena Shipments;3

Rey (High damage, Foresight, Multi-Damage attack) PVP or GW P2P recommended

Farmable;Hard Mode Battles;1

Kylo Ren (A counter buff with a strong team attack and high HP. Good for GW) GW F2P or P2P recommended

Farmable;Cantina Battles;2.5 (Shard Drop Rate differs often)

Barriss Offee (High heal that ignores heal immune debuff; Highest Health but Low damage) GW F2P or P2P

Farmable;Cantina Battles;2 (Because her battle unlocks at level 69) Hard mode farm ignored.

CT-5555 Fives (Tank, Slow down debuff and Assist ability) GW F2P and P2P recommended. PVPable when his counter passive is maxed

Farmable;Galaxy Shipments;4

Geonosian Soldier (OP damage when paired with certain teams. Assist ability as well as High damage) PVP recommended, GW F2P or P2P

Farmable;Galaxy Shipments;4

Poggle The Lesser (High damage pairing with Geo Sol; Damage Team Buff and high speed)

Farmable;Galaxy Shipments;4

Illuminari Unduli (High heal, High Health, Good Damage) PVP recommended; F2P or P2P

Farmable;Galaxy shipments;4

Jedi Consular (Good Heal, Okay Damage; Good for Jedi team) GW F2P or P2P

Farmable;Cantina Battles;2.5

IG-86 (Very High damage)

Farmable;Galaxy Shipments;4

Eeth Kooth (High Stun Chance with second ability) GW F2P

Farmable;Arena Shipments;3

Darth Vader (Debuffer and One shoot kill attack against enemy with lots of Debuff; Tank) GW F2P

Farmable;Achievements and Shard Shop;0.5

Phasma (Useful Leader ability, Good team buff and enemy debuff abilities) GW or PVP F2P

Farmable;Galaxy Shipments;4

Asaajj Ventress (High damage with her buff; Team attack and Enemy buff killer) GW F2P or P2P

Farmable;Arena Shipments;3

Count Dooku (100% Counter rate, Double attack chance or more; Jedi stunner) GW or Early PVP battles

Farmable;Hard Mode early and Cantina battles after high level;2

Galaxy Wars Fodder List (To help keep good characters alive)



Stormtrooper Han

Firstorder Stormtrooper

Old Daaka (After she is maxed)




Bobba Fett

These characters do not need to be maxed. Just level 50 with Gear level 5.

Tips: Speed is very important all characters listed in main list have at least moderate speed. An otherwise powerful character is useless with a low speed stat. Only a very high Health can counter that

Likewise a character with low health is useless and is likely to die before even getting a turn.

After you max farm your main PVP team; then you should farm other useful characters for GW. As Arena gives the most rewards (Tokens and Crystals)

Below are three teams I recommend for PVP and GW. These Teams are F2P recommended so hard to farm characters are not included


Darth Sidious (L)
Illuminari Unduli
Geosonian Soldier
Poggle The Lesser
Qui-Gon Jinn


Qui-Gon Jinn (L)
Illuminari Unduli
Eeth Kooth OR Jedi Consular
Geonosian Soldier
CT-5555 Fives


Phasma (L)
CT-5555 Fives
Geonosian Soldier
Qui-Gon Jinn

Note: Any combination with Darth Sidious or Qui-Gon or Phasma as lead can be used. These are only three possible combinatons.

P2P Teams for PVP/GW

Qui-Gon (L)

That's a you need lol!

Illuminari Unduli
Poggle The Lesser

GW - (Just switch around characters listed as Fodder with strong teams when needed; Play it smart and you'll beat GW every time)

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