How do I find out when I created my account?

7 posts Member
Also, how do I figure out which pvp shard I am in? thanks.


  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    Your creation date will be in your game center awards..... Ask for your shard, there is a forum in PvP for that...
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Moved to pvp and rivalry section.

    Look for the people you see in the top 10-20 of your shard. You can also look for their guild recruiting posts and use those to make contact.

    As for the day you joined, the closest you can get is look at you Google or Apple game achievements and see when the earliest one is, that will get you close.
  • MrRip
    7 posts Member
    I see, thank you. Looks like I wasn't signed into game center when I started playing. I just tried doing that, received a ton of achievements all at once, and now I can't access my usual account unless I'm signed into game center, so I guess it auto bound itself.

    As for my second question, how would looking at the top 10 people in squad arena tell me WHICH shard I am in?
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