Cloud City Collective is looking for new members

Recently-formed "alliance" between Cursed Legacy and Canadian Rebel Force, targeting players who prefer to enjoy the game instead of having it force-fed via unnecessary rules and mindless progression.

We are a 'player-first' community, based on mutual respect and cooperation. We value people over rosters, and our goal is to create an atmosphere that is fun, friendly and fair for everyone

Players we think would be a good fit:
  • new players looking to find their way without judgment or pressure
  • casual players who have been displaced/passed over by guilds because of their GP, etc
  • veteran players suffering from the constant grind and always having someone looking over your shoulder
  • players looking to improve or tackle heroic raiding without being burdened by pressure and expectations

What we're NOT about:
  • forced progression/farms
  • drama
  • unnecessary rules
  • hand-holding/babysitting

Raid Status:
  • Cursed Legacy - HRancor and Haat
  • Canadian Rebel Force - level-appropriate content based on roster/preference
  • Sith - this raid sucks, we get that. We won't force anyone to do it if they don't want to. We keep an appropriate tier rolling so as to not waste your hard-earned tickets. 0's and auto's are welcome.

What exactly is an "air quotes" Alliance and how are you different?
  • We promise to always treat you like a person, not just a number (GP, zeta count, tickets)
  • We won't tell you which guild to join, and we don't shuffle people around like cattle. All are free to join whichever guild they prefer, based on interest and comfort level

What we need from you:
  • ONE 7* character recommended for Cursed Legacy to get the most out of the raids (han/gk shards)
  • level 75+ recommended to get involved with TB/TW but not required
  • good attitude
  • come and check out our discord server ( to learn more about us and see if we'd be a good fit
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