If you were rank 1 on your server everyday, how would you spend your crystals?

People like to fantasize about hitting the lottery and talking about how they'd spend it in real life.

I guess this would be the equivalent of having a super high paying job but in the GOH world. Unfortunately only a select few get this sort of privilege and the majority of competitive/decent players receive 150-300 a day.

So if you received 500-650 crystals each day, what would you do with it? Hit up chroniums, spend on energy, or buy stuff from the shipment shop?
Tekken 7


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    I'm usually top 5 on my "server" and hit rank 1 like 70-80% of the time. ATM I'm doing 3 cantina refreshes everyday to get up my QGJ to 7* Before the next yoda.

    But otherwise? I would still spend it on cantina refreshes and load up on cantina tokens. Seems like new good chars gets released there. When a new "must have" hero is released there it's good to have saved up a lot imo!
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    Get Darth Maul.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    It'd probably depend on how I was doing in the day to begin with, getting shards as is. But Cantina refreshes would be good too. I wish we could get some extra Cantina energy, maybe not 3 recharges of 45 a day, but, I'd take 2 for 25-30.
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    I am f2p player and I hit rank one every single day. I like to buy 2 cantina refreshes (100+200) and with the rest I like to spend on energy refreshes
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    I've only managed to hit no1 twice. Usually in the 6-10 rank. But when I did get all 500 crystals, I used 300 on cantina refreshes, 100 on energy refreshes and 100 on resetting Reys nodes.
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    150 gems - Rey refresh's
    50 gems - Daka refresh
    100 gems - Cantina refresh
    50 gems (optional) - Arena refresh
    50 gems (x2) - energy refresh

    My daily F2P expenditure, as long as I rank in top 3.2.1 I make a profit.
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    Im rank 1 everyday and I spend it like this:

    50 50 100 100 on refresh energy
    100 200 on cantina

    thats already 600 so i have a deficit of 100 per day.
    Sometimes i get more because i refresh the item shipments twice for 50 each.
    I buy 1 50$ crystal per month to sustain. Im a dolphin as im already 500$ in this game.
    I dont spend crystals on gold/droids and character packs as eventually youll have them.

    Im currently running a 7* Phasma Sid GS QGJ and a 6* dooku w/c holds up pretty good in my server.
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    2 x 50 energy refesh for gear/rey shards 100 crystals
    2 x cantina 300 crystals

    Usually rank top 5 if I can be active during 30 mins from reward period.
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    I finish 1st every day and have only spent on subscriptions. You hardly need to be a millionaire to do well in this game.
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