Karina the Great

2 posts Member
Geonosians have been missing a 5th slot, so I thought of this lesser-known Geonosian character in the Star Wars universe:

Karina the Great
Support, Separatist, Geonosian, Dark Side

(All abilities are assumed to be max level - This is just for fun folks)
Basic Attack - The Queen's Order - Call a random ally to attack a single target, if that ally is Droid or Geonosian, call another ally to assist.

Special - They use Tunnels (Cooldown 3 turns) - All Geonosian allies have all debuffs removed, gain defense up for 2 turns and are cloaked for 2 turns.

Special - Strength of the Hive (Cooldown 3 turns) - Grants all Geonosian allies Critical Damage Up and Critical Chance Up for 2 turns.

Leader Passive - Geonosian Queen - At the start of the encounter, all Geonosian allies receive Speed Up for 3 turns and while Karina is active if a Geonosian ally's health is reduced below 50% a random droid ally gains taunt and defense up for 2 turns.

Passive - Brain Worms - While Karina the Great is active, all Geonosian allies have a 50% chance to revive at full HP after being defeated.

Feel free to punch holes in this idea balloon - but there's plenty of work the Separatists faction could use right now.


  • Options
    Giving all Geonosian allies Defense Up while cleansing them is good, but giving them all stealth wouldn't make much sense in an all Geonosian team. Also, Strength of the Hive is basically Raid Han's ability but without the TM gain, so I think that needs a bit of a boost. Her Passive is insane though and a very interesting idea. Her basic would be great under Ackbar lead honestly, could lead to some massive damage and assists with Rebel + Geonosian teams.
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    They've said Wampa's pushing the limits on what can constitute a character in this game.

    The queen is more than twice the size of a hutt.

    I'd sooner see a rework make the Separatists into a workable faction than see the Geonosians completed.
    Still not a he.
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