2 questions - Jedi Team, Arena Change...

My five 7* Jedi got there randomly rather by “focus”
Ezra and Kanan are the strongest two
QGJ (For Rancor)
Old Ben (For CLS)
JC (For Fleet and because he was 1st)

What would be sensible replacements to Kanan and JC on this team? I want this to not be a heavy focus - I wondered about Ahsoka (Cantina Store) and Luminara (GW) — but maybe I should be getting JKA in with Ahsoka or Luminara?

Secondly Arena - Currently Running an Arena Phoenix Team - Most Omegas but no Zetas.
Would a Wiggs Team with Ezra, Old Ben and R2D2 outperform Phoenix If fast enough? Cos I could switch to that over the next few weeks....I’d be aiming at getting R2D2 as fast as possible with him being my 1st Zeta (and maybe 2nd...)



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    I’ve also got Leia....but I think a fully Omega’d Ezra would take her place on my suggested team?
  • Lazarus
    14 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    For jedi the best would be general kenobi and hermit yoda (or zbarris) . Since those are rly hard to get id suggest maybe aayla, gmy, luminara or mbe anakin. Definitely not ahsoka

    As for wiggs, r2, ezra, ben. Id say its a better team than phoenix. Specially if u throw in cls when u get him
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    Lazarus wrote: »
    For jedi the best would be general kenobi and hermit yoda (or zbarris) . Since those are rly hard to get id suggest maybe aayla, gmy, luminara or mbe anakin. Definitely not ahsoka

    As for wiggs, r2, ezra, ben. Id say its a better team than phoenix. Specially if u throw in cls when u get him

    Even with her synergy with JKA?
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