Continue Joke of a Raid

Eventually they will roll out new reward system but that's not what this discussion is about...its about the continued broken unbalanced boring event known by all as the sith raid.
This hunk of garbage is still a problem. My clan took a month to beat tier 4 so finally after we did we said forget this and went down to tier 2...much better so far...
So I hope they nerf this whole raid....and stop releasing stuff for the 2+year player and actually something for the younger gen players...this is absurd.
This raid is absurd. At tier 2, I attacked with my semi strong Phoenix squad and it got to a point where when I hit nahillus...he gained what **** even put protection on a boss anyway....neither aat or rencor have protection so why now...

This is more of a rant and I know full well CG doesnt care what the younger player base wants or needs...they want their vets and whales happy so their wallets stay full of money.

But man this is such a joke of a raid. Give something to the 1 year and under players at least once every quarter or something. A special credit event or something for players 1 year and under...doesnt have to be like..oh here's 50 wampa shards... but credits and purple gear/ any of the or purple..something that makes the younger community feel like CG actually recognizes the younger community.
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