Where are the legendary events???

10 posts Member
Last year we had with Thrawn, R2 and BB8 new characters which were farmable in legendary events. I remember that thrawn was released in march/april and R2 was the may the fourth "gift". This year we had only marquee toons !? CG please give us some new legendary characters!


  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    2 weeks believe it
  • Mookow23
    79 posts Member
    Probably waiting to drop them after everyone can recoupe their money they spent on the new toons. As soon as they start seeing cashflow dip i imagine we will see them come so panic buys can boost profits... Just speculation here though, i do not have any facts supporting my theory.
  • Options
    R2- Thrawn
    Bb8- ???
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