TIE reaper unique bugged

7 posts Member
edited May 2018
Just noticed this when climbing back up in the fleet arena.

TIE reapers unique, tm reduction on capital ship when an enemy ship dies, is also applying in reverse.

I defeated an opposing biggs and noticed the tm on MY chimera get reduced, then I defeated the opposing teams tie reaper and noticed again MY chimeras tm getting reduced even though none of my ships had died.

First screenshot of before I kill the tie reaper

Second screenshot of when I kill the tie reaper.
Notice the tm on MY chimera is reduced even though I haven't lost any ships

Anybody else experiencing this?

Only seems to have happened since the update.

Edit: screenshot round the wrong way


  • TheJEFFtm
    917 posts Member
    I’d suggest revisiting the Reaper ability - I’m fairly certain you’ll find it says ‘any ship’, not ‘enemy ship’. (This includes the Reaper itself, it will give one last shot of TM reduction on it’s way out the door).

    WAI, from what I can see, and matches my own experiences with and against the Reaper, both pre and post update.

    Perhaps you just hadn’t noticed it before, but I really don’t believe this is new - hope this helps!
  • Options
    I believe that when you kill the enemy reaper, he takes tm from you one last time before he is gone, that has been happening since before the update this week
  • Options
    It's not a bug, tm is reduced if they kill your ship or if you kill theirs so when you destroy the reaper is it's destroyed it removes turn meter
  • FailingCrab
    1155 posts Member
    This is definitely not new. That TM reduction is the enemy reaper reducing your Chimaera's TM as it dies.
    Discord: Iona Starbound#5299
  • Hunta
    7 posts Member
    Oh weird, I must have never noticed the "ANY" ship part. That would probably explain why I lost tm when killing their biggs ship as well :/
  • Fauztin
    1332 posts Member
    Community answers prevail. Closing thread.
    *Moved to arena strategy
    "I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar." ~ Hoban Washburne
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