Ewoking Tall (111m GP) looking for active players!

We are at 111M GP and are looking to fill 2-3 slots with casual but real, active players. Heroic Rancor/Tank raids being farmed, grinding T5-T6 Sith. TW record 22-3.

We are looking for new members to round out our roster. We are a low-key guild and look for camaraderie but enjoy being competitive in TW and new raids to get the most out of the game for all guild members. Senior members help newer members to get the most out of their rosters and advance rapidly in the game.

Expected of all members:
  • Level 80+
  • 600 daily raid tickets
  • TB: We know everyone can't finish every mission but even 1-2 wins or auto helps along with active deployments
  • TW: Participate as much as possible. If you can't participate on offense, either setup strong on D or don't join
  • Discord: use it, love it: http://discord.gg/NZw8NBb
  • No minimum GP requirement, we evaluate all potential recruits individually. Please join Discord FIRST and we'll sync up there.

Join the discord server, DM me here, or add me as a friend on discord (boosteria#8233)

Here's our guild link (We don't currently require an active swgoh.gg account, so this does not account for everyone in the guild but it is highly recommended): http://swgoh.gg/g/4761/ewoking-tall/

Join the best group of scoundrels this side of Takodana and enjoy beating up on some half-witted nerf herders in raids and TW!
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