More DS Ships needed for 5* Executrix?

25 posts Member
So I was done farming the 5 DS Ships and just waiting for Executrix Event to come again. Today it's active and now I need 6 DS Ships at 4* to unlock 5* Executrix?!
Great thing! Since Arena only supports 3v3 (+"Reinforcements), the use for one more DS Ship is exactly this challenge...j9uyvodcve18.png


  • vksg
    132 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    I realized this as well. My fleet arena shard is filled with players around lvl 80. Some [TOP 20] got their Executrix 5* during the last few weeks (and still have only 5 DS ships) while others - like me [TOP 30] - were just about getting it done... and are now completely off track again for another month or so.

    I suppose this is a bug introduced by the update. The developers don't mention changing challenge requirements in their announcements and this has a huge impact even on endgame content.

    @CG_Carrie Would be great to get a developer statement on this issue. It would really surprise me if this change was intended and will be kept. Such a change would need to be announced at least one month in advance to keep bias at a minimum.

    Update: It's definitely a bug. As JaaiaLandis points out in nobody will be able to get Executrix to 5*, because even with 6 DS available, your 4* Executrix could only bring 5 of them to battle which fails to satisfy the requirement.

    To fellow players: So don't panic farm another DS ship for this challenge, you won't be able to use it anyways.
    Post edited by vksg on
  • vksg
    132 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    tomostef wrote: »
    Not many ppl can speak klingon :\

    Not quite sure what displeases you. The screenshot? Regardless of the choosen language, it's 6 non-capital DS ships compared to 5 before the update. Which makes Tier IV impossible to complete.
  • Abflexer
    25 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    vksg wrote: »
    To fellow players: So don't panic farm another DS ship for this challenge, you won't be able to use it anyways.

    Thanks Mate. I'm really glad to hear. :smile:
    tomostef wrote: »
    Not many ppl can speak klingon :\

    But most non-Klingons can read numbers and use their brains. Most...
  • Beewl
    129 posts Member
    Yeah. This change got me yesterday too.
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    Glad to hear this is likely a bug as it messed me up too!
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    Don't say its a bug ya'll. The forum police will close this thread and make you report it to answers.hq. Which is borderline useless.

    Tag CG_Carrie a few dozen times and it should get solved. ;D
    Don't tag other devs either, they don't listen.

    Nothing to see here forum police, please move along. :smile:
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