The Best First Order Team

Hello, guys, I’ve been playing the game for a while (lvl 80) and I’m doubtful about what FO team I should use for arena. Currently, my team is Kylo (Unmasked), Kylo, Phasma, FOTFP and the Executioner. Which characters should I replace?


  • Quikshift
    5 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Remove Phasma, for fostp, or fost. Honestly don’t see FO in the top of my arena. I love the faction tho
  • STRYKER667
    154 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Replace Phasma for either FOO or fosftp, or if you have Zetad FOST.

    I run zKRU, zKylo, fosftp, fotp, and foex in Sith raid and they do pretty well
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    KRUM, First Order Officer, and First Order Stormtrooper are the core of a good First Order team.

    Phasma, sadly, isn't very good these days.

    The last two slots can be any two attackers. They all have their ups and downs. It's almost arbitrary. Kylo, FOTP, FOSFTP, and FOX are all good.options. Personally? If your current lineup is all seven star, I'd drop FOTP and Phasma for FOO and FOST.

    FOST is great even if not zeta'd.
    Still not a he.
  • Ikky2win
    870 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Need to replace phasma and fosftp with foo and fost. Both are requirements to do well. Foo needs to be your fastest character. Against squads that have a faster vader than your foo, sub in rhan for Ren. Doesn’t matter what level your rhan is as he’s just there to stun vader so your entire team can go first. Eventually as you face nightmare teams you’ll need him geared up but at lvl 80 I doubt you’re seeing many. Vs nightmare you sub rhan for Ren and thrawn for fost. I swap first and second every day with a guildmate. When you do swap in other characters on offense just make sure you don’t leave them in on defense. Here’s my profile if you want to look at the squad:
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    FOSFTP is still a good choice who brings a lot to the table.
    Still not a he.
  • Options
    zKRU, Kylo, FOE, FOO and FOST i run and they do well in sith raid, not gonna brag cause they arrnt very popular in or best in arena but thats my opinion
  • Vendi1983
    5029 posts Member
    KRU, OG Kylo, FOST, FOO, FOE.

  • BrakirKY
    145 posts Member
    For defensive purposes in arena and tw, krum/kylo/foo/fox/fost is ideal, with zetas at least on lead and FOST. The AI handles this comp much better than anything else.

    For offense and DSTB use, I would usually replace kylo with fosf, since there is much higher damage output with him.
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    Also in Territory Wars, if you have zKylo classic, it's good to replace him on your first order team with another attacker. That way, you can send zKylo to solo low powered teams while still having a good first order team on defense.
    Still not a he.
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