Why not 4v4?

63 posts Member
From 5v5 to 3v3 is a pretty drastic cut... I understand why you wanted to change fleets... actually, no... I really don’t understand why. But you wanted to and you make the game, so there ya go... but why not 4v4? The current 3v3 system just seems broken and doesn’t seem to work... there aren’t enough ships to really get a synergy going since one is usually always gone before the first reinforcement anyways. 4v4 would give more synergy and still have space for a first reinforcement while still bringing the battle down from the original 5v5 that you wanted to change for some reason. It seems that most don’t enjoy this new fleet arena... and honestly, I’m one of them. I’ve been really positively trying to give it a shot... but it’s just bad compared to the old fleet battles. It seems that whoever gets the first enemy ship down usually wins... or whatever fleet ship is faster wins... which is horrible gameplay and doesn’t involve strategy anymore when Tie Fighter no longer dodges. I know it hasn’t even been a week yet... but I don’t think we need much more time to know that we don’t really like it. :/ sorry guys. Love the game and play a bunch... but I think this fleet update was a step in the wrong direction. I ask that you compromise slightly and possibly consider a 4v4 rework.
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