12 hour TB phases

Can we finally change tb phases to 12 hours?!?! It was discussed at the beginning but never heard from again. Make them 12hr phases and have 2 more tb's a month. Gear and currency problem solved. (for the most part) Saving something from ruining HSTR rewards


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    Nope, not gonna happen
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    But it should
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    I disagree, folks need to remember , shorter phases does not translate to more TB , that’s as per devs comments from back then as well
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    24 hour phases are great and allows all time zones to participate fully.
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    God please no, I would miss exactly half of it
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    FTB_REDRUM wrote: »
    But it should

    No it shouldn't. The ramifications of 12 hour phases are that people who have busy lives, people in international guilds, or people who sometimes work or sleep would completely miss participating. People who consistently missed participating would be more likely to quit playing.

    With 24 hour phases it just takes a bit longer to complete. People with nothing better to do will be slightly bored. That's a problem easily solved by going outside, or getting a dog, or doing volunteer work, or literary anything.

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    guess i am just too impatient. Takes just a few minutes to get through a phase then you sit and wait for 23 hours for the next. I agree that it gives international guilds time for everyone and their respective time zones but really just drags on. but to each their own and thanks for the replies
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  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    JacenRoe wrote: »
    FTB_REDRUM wrote: »
    But it should

    No it shouldn't. The ramifications of 12 hour phases are that people who have busy lives, people in international guilds, or people who sometimes work or sleep would completely miss participating. People who consistently missed participating would be more likely to quit playing.

    With 24 hour phases it just takes a bit longer to complete. People with nothing better to do will be slightly bored. That's a problem easily solved by going outside, or getting a dog, or doing volunteer work, or literary anything.

    Did someone say volunteer??? :smiley:
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    None of the reasons they extended it to 24 hours have changed, so I have to agree, i dont think it should be changed.
  • DRV
    173 posts Member
    I don't see why we can't advance at our own pace. As soon as a section is finished, move on to the next. Could finish it in 2-3 days and have some down time.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    12 hour phases are a very bad idea. Chickenfett, Kyno and others gave the reasons above. However, it could be awsome to allow guilds to advance to the next phase ahead of time, if they want to. Then guilds that want to complete it all (or parts of it) in a matter of hours can do so while othets still have up to 24 hrs each phase. (No, this not a suggestion to increase the frequency of TBs).
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    About the guild phases moving at the guild pace, I would imagine there is a background (programming) reason to not do this. Having each guild on it's own timer vs a single timer can actually be a huge deal. But I feel if this could have been done they would have dont it at the onset after the 12 hour phase was shot down.
  • StarSon
    7529 posts Member
    +1 Yes please. I've said the whole time they shouldn't have ever caved and bumped them to 24 hour phases.
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    My guild has people all over the planet and this would guarantee that people missed phases. 24h is the only length I can see that doesn't discriminate based on what timezone you're in.
    Discord: Iona Starbound#5299
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    Coming from somebody in a somewhat international guild I don't think that would be a good idea.

    Also people are generally doing things that aren't GOH related a lot of the time too.

    Yeah, a change like that would lead to e-riots on the forums coupled with a mass exodus.
    Hey, it's still better than MSF
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