Top Arena squads

165 posts Member

Just wanted to see what your guys thoughts are on my arena teams, assume all are maxed

I have team A

QGJ lead

Or team B

Phasma lead

For the first team I could replace Kylo with something else but not quite sure what. Maybe a tank, RG? ST Han?. Also would yoda starting with tenacity buff leading into Rey's special ability be a good course of action?

I feel team B might be better on defense but they are quite slow and with the speed meta it might still not be that great, but once they start going with the counters+ aoe with poggles buff it would be pretty devastating and most of those heroes are pretty beefy.



  • fberbert
    593 posts Member
    Your team A has a lack of damage (except Rey) and no protection. I would replace Kylo for a tank. Too much squishy guys.
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  • Higher
    165 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    fberbert wrote: »
    Your team A has a lack of damage (except Rey) and no protection. I would replace Kylo for a tank. Too much squishy guys.

    Easiest tank for me to farm right now would be ST Han, would he work?

    Edit: also doesn't QGJ deal a lot of damage?
  • Options
    Kylo has no synergy with team a. And he's too slow. Definitely drop him for a tank, ideally RG or Poe. Then I would drop yoda for GS if you have him. If you have Daka, she would be good too.
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    QGJ is squishy. Good damage, but he dies early for me. I run 6* QGJ, 6* Rey, 7* Phasma (L), 6* Dooku and 7* Kylo, I can beat everyone and I lose a lot of battles. So, maybe don't listen to me...
  • Higher
    165 posts Member
    QGJ is squishy. Good damage, but he dies early for me. I run 6* QGJ, 6* Rey, 7* Phasma (L), 6* Dooku and 7* Kylo, I can beat everyone and I lose a lot of battles. So, maybe don't listen to me...

    Do you find that QGJ without speed moves to slow?

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    The best team in the arena is 7 stars sid -ig 86- lumi-gs and 5 star my team in the arena...and am always Number 1... Sometimes in top 5..ı can handle teams like yoda-jinn-leia-sid-ben or yoda-jinn-fotp-sid-dooku....allll 7 stars. And has higher energy than my team...
  • Higher
    165 posts Member
    I feel like Sid really doesn't cut it anymore
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    Kylo-too slow
    QGJ-one shoot and easily dies..
    Yoda-eh...average toon.
    Rey-top priority...but also one shoot and easily dies.
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    Higher wrote: »
    I feel like Sid really doesn't cut it anymore

    Sid is essential for crit not underestimate him...

  • DrewN76
    566 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I like squad B that's what I am running. Currently in the top 100-50. Slipped a little while I switched Sid out and placed in phasma. But God I love Fives in there.

    Thing with that team is you need to have almost max or max gear on Kylo, and prey he gets back lash out to one shot someone on the way out. And max out fives return fire and joint fire abilities... You will love it.
  • Higher
    165 posts Member
    DrewN76 wrote: »
    I like squad B that's what I am running. Currently in the top 100-50. Slipped a little while I switched Sid out and placed in phasma. But God I love Fives in there.

    Thing with that team is you need to have almost max or max gear on Kylo, and prey he gets back lash out to one shot someone on the way out. And max out fives return fire and joint fire abilities... You will love it.

    I usually sit top 10 with QGJ lead, lumi, yoda, Kylo and dooku, my Kylo and lumi are maxed but it's also really easy for me to slip behind. I feel like I need better synergy and I like all those heroes in team B. I invested a lot into Kylo so it's hard for me to drop him. I have fives at 5* and he's still quite good so maxed out he's probably beast.

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