Ships 2.0

42 posts Member
edited June 2018
Firstly I tried and failed to send this through to EA help.... I was told to come here and post here rather than actually going through help and was told I would get a response doing it in the Forums... so here goes.

I tried to give Ships 2.0 some time to get used to to make sure I wasn’t being too hasty in skating t.

I have found it very frustrating the more I play it. The thing that annoys me the most is that whilst I am an adult and have chosen to spend money on a game, I take umbrance to spending my hard earned money on toons/crystals etc - and specifically in the case of toons for ships and ships shards, only for you to change the format and nerf the ships I had worked hard on getting (and the toons that fuel them) in particular tie reaper and TFP.

If I had known you would nerf these ships I wouldn’t have sunk my time and money into farming them.

If the changes were for the better I would understand but the 3 ship format is not as good as the previous format. In fact I only ever now do 1 battle a day because it’s that bad.

I’m frustrated and angry that I have spent a very large sum on a mobile game that suddenly moves the goal post.

A reply would be greatly appreciated on why you think it’s acceltable to switch things like you have.
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