Missing G12+ pieces

My guild completed the Herioc Sith raid yesterday and I placed 14th. I got my prize box but there was no G12+ pieces. I put a ticket in and they confirmed that I didnt receive any of the G12+ pieces and they couldn’t do anything for me.

I thought that with the new update to the Herioc Sith raid rewards every member got a % amount for the new G12+ pieces. Higher you place the more you got. And the lower the less you got. And it wasn’t a % chance to get some of the G12+ pieces.

@CG_Carrie or @CG_SBCrumb can you please assist me? Did I get a bugged reward box? Or are the G12+ pieces not a guaranteed drop rate with a varied % amount with rank?


  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Please direct message either of them with your ticket number.
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