You're All Invited to Join our Guild Recruitment Discord Server !!!

130 posts Member
edited February 2019

I'd like to invite all SWGoH Players to join us on the SWGoH Guild Recruitment Discord Server, Hosted by the DOoM Alliance (the "GRDS," for short) !!!

Whether you're:

* a player looking for a new guild,
* a recruiter looking for new members,
* a guild-leader looking for a merger,
* an alliance manager looking to grow, or,
* just a holotable hero, looking to chat,

the GRDS is where it's at !!!

To join our server, click on the following link:

> This Discord server is dedicated to the recruitment process.

> We service all time-zones, and, have users from all corners of the globe, including North and South America, Europe, Asia... even Australia !!!

> The server is English-language based, but, we do allow for any non English-language recruitment posts (thanks to the wonders of Google Translate!... lol).

> We have a general chat channel for discussions (about the game and recruitment in general), and all our users often help others with "tips and tricks," to help both players and recruiters.

> We have some of the game's top Content Creators stop by, on occasion.

> We serve all guilds, from newly formed guilds learning the Pit-Raid, all the way up to the real big-dogs (now over 241mGP).

> We service all players, from new holotable heroes with 500k Player-GP, to experienced veterans with 4.5m Player-GP.

> We only ask that all users are respectful to anyone and everyone on our server, and, that we all help each other out!

So, if you're a SWGoH fan, looking to take your game to the next level, come on by !!!

Happy gaming, and, see y'all there!
Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
Post edited by Hellenix on


  • Options
    Very cool
  • Hellenix
    130 posts Member
    Thank you @PlanetMoraband !!!

    Our goal is to try and serve the entire SWGoH community. We do it free "of charge," and, hope to help as many people as possible.
    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
  • Hellenix
    130 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    So!... everyone!... help us spread the word, and, tell anyone you know, who is searching for a new guild, to check our server out! We have most of the game's guilds advertising on our server, daily! And, we have admins from all over (the US, Europe, Asia and Australia) to help us assist folks, almost all day long. Join us, and, find you next guild!
    Post edited by Hellenix on
    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
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    I approve of this message
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    Been in this server for a long time and I’m not part of Doom, great server I would definitely recommend joining
  • Hellenix
    130 posts Member
    Thanks for the kind words, @Blackhawk4879.
    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
  • Hellenix
    130 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    Anyone looking for a guild, should definitely check out our server. Whether you're a newer player looking to farm some OG/Raid-Han shards, a mid-game player looking for General-Kenobi shards, or, an end-game player looking to make the move-up to a hSTR-farming guild, the GRDS can help you reach your goals!
    Post edited by Hellenix on
    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
  • Hellenix
    130 posts Member
    To join our server, click on the following link:
    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
  • Hellenix
    130 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    Searching for "the 'Right' Guild":

    When searching for a guild, we (at the GRDS) advise that all players first do some quick math.

    Multiply your personal Player-GP, by 50, and look for a guild around that size (plus or minus 10-million Guild-GP).

    If you are a 1.5-million GP player, you should be looking for a guild that's approximately 75-million GP.  In such an example, we suggest you search our #guilds_61-80_mgp channel, on our server.

    If you search the channel above this level (such as our #guilds_81-100_mgp channel, in this example), and, somehow, join such a guild, you will find yourself surrounded by players who have surpassed your level of player development. While this sounds enticing at first, you may find yourself unable to compete alongside your new guildmates, frustrating both them and you.

    If you search the channel below this level (such as our #guilds_41-60_mgp channel, in this example), you will find yourself surrounded by players who have not yet reached your level of player development. While it may feel good to be the "big fish, in the small pond," for a while, you may soon become bored with the game (which none of us want).

    If you truly want to enjoy the SWGoH guild membership experience, find a guild that is just right for you!

    To learn these and more helpful hints, join our GRDS, by clicking the link below:
    Post edited by Hellenix on
    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
  • Hellenix
    130 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    With over 3700 recruiters, the GRDS is the place to help you find your next guild.

    Join our GRD server, by clicking the link below:
    Post edited by Hellenix on
    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
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  • Hellenix
    130 posts Member
    @DavidNicholson always helping "the cause."
    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
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    This server is well worth a look.

    Extremely well organised and run by friendly people.
  • Hellenix
    130 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    Why thank you, @roflmonkey !!!

    The GRDS is totally worth joining, especially for players looking for new guilds! With recruiters (from guilds as small as 1mGP to as large as 241mGP+), you are bound to find a guild that's the perfect fit for your needs & playstyle!

    Post edited by Hellenix on
    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
  • Hellenix
    130 posts Member
    Joining the GRDS is quick and easy! All you need to do is click on the following link:

    ...and, you will have taken your first step, towards finding the perfect guild for your needs...

    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
  • Options
    Its a great page, but recruiting is still hard these days :-(
  • Hellenix
    130 posts Member
    Recruitment is truly a difficult endeavour, @TekkarEdorf. But, we (at the GRDS) aim to make it as painless as possible, at least in so far as connecting guilds and players. And, we try to continually improve our server, as the SWGoH Guild Experience evolves, over time. Keep at it, and, I'm positive you will see positive results !!!
    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
  • Options
    One of the best pieces of advice I can give, regardless of where your guild recruits is to be active!

    The more of your own guildmates and/or recruiters you have watching the various recruitment hubs (especially the GRDS), the more chance you have to succeed.

    If all you do is post an ad somewhere, then, "walk away," you will not maximize the rewards this server can offer you. Be active, and, keep an eye on everything! The more active you are, the more new members you will recruit.

    To join our server, click on the following link:
    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
  • Options
    One of the best times to recruit new members is now, between TWs !!! Make sure to utilize this rare "down time," to help grow your guild!

    For this and more helpful recruitment tips & tricks, for both players searching & guilds recruiting, make sure to join our server, by clicking on the link below:

    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
  • Hellenix
    130 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    Did you know that there are over 5,750 users on the GRDS? Whether you're a player or a recruiter, this large gathering of like-minded SWGoH Gamers is where you should advertise!

    Join our server, by clicking on the link below:

    Post edited by Hellenix on
    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
  • Options
    Have been on the GRDS server for awhile - lots of great people, good organization and helpful. If your looking to find a new guild this is the place to start.
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    Thank you for the kind words, @Calciron !!! We greatly appreciate your kind words!
    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
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    Best recruitment resource you could hope for. "Even better than Reddit?" you ask? Yes, even better than Reddit.

    And you have to check out the FAQ channel for some serious laughs. These guys know how to have fun.
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    Always a first place to look for great new recruits!

    Thanks for keeping this going!
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    Thank you for the kind words, @Smoot_Raider and @Zuckuss12 !!!
    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
  • Options
    The GRDS has some of the game's best guilds, recruiting on our server !!! If you want to take your game to the next level, do yourself a great service, and see which guilds have openings !!!

    Maybe you could join the likes of:

    ALLiΔNCE ιοtα
    Alpha Squad
    Anakin's Younglings
    BHG Shot First
    Cantina Bums
    Darkness Omega
    First Order Arsenal
    Forsaken Ones
    FTW: Farmers to Whales
    House Divided
    Human Cyborg Relations
    I Have a Bad Feeling
    Infinite Darkness Ωmega
    Kessel Run
    Knights of Mandalore
    Legiøn Øf Fêar
    Mighty Chlorians
    OG Wolfpack
    Order 66: 41st Division
    Outer Rim: Oricon
    QS Howling Ewoks
    Rebel Force Bespin
    Rebel Obliterators
    Rebels ALLiΔNCE
    RS Rogue Squadron
    Shadowlands Vanguard
    Starkiller Base (the Republic)
    Things in White Armor
    Wallet Warriors
    Wookie Smugglers
    ...and SO many more !!!!!!!

    To join the GRDS, just click on the link below:
    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
  • Options
    Get in, while the gettin's good !!!
    Now, between TWs is a great time to recruit !!!
    So, don't delay !!!
    Join the GRDS, today !!!
    To join the GRDS, just click on the link below:
    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
  • Options
    Swaps Week is Here !!!

    With CG cancelling Territory Battles this week, now is the time that most top guilds will do some major recruitment !!! If you are thinking of making a change, now's the time to...

    ...join the GRDS by clicking the link below:

    If you're serious about SWGoH, the GRDS is where you go to find the perfect guild!

    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
  • Options
    Looking for a new guild? Now is your best opportunity for finding the perfect guild that suits your exact playstyle!

    Join the GRDS by clicking the link below:

    We have almost 5,000 daily users on the GRDS, and, you're sure to find a perfect fit!

    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
  • Options
    Just joined it. Thanks a lot!
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