Bastila Kit Speculation/ want

25 posts Member
edited July 2018
Standard: Basic Attack levels 1-8 omega deals bonus damage to sith enemies up 30% of health.

Special: Saber Toss: level 1-8 omega 100% stun on selected target. And 50% stun chance on random enemy. Double if sith enemy.

Special: Battle Meditation 1-8 zeta. grants all allies each other’s unquie.

Unquie: Force Bond. Levels 1-8 zeta. grants 30% speed and foresight to reven when playing with revan lead.

Leave your comment on th kit you like to see.


  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    This would honestly be a lame kit for Bastila, no offense. It’s kinda random
  • Calastar
    304 posts Member
    Too simple. I like the idea, but battle meditation is basically Hera's lead for everyone and the you just put commander Luke in with her and its all over.

    Also add duration of buffs, what damage it does and also look on Wookiepedia as it provides many many useful abilities for the character you wish to create.
    I make character kits! Ask me and I will try my best to make one for fun.
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