150M+ GP 49/50 Guild Looking for 1 Players

219 posts Member
edited November 2018
HSITH is on farm, completes in 12-24 hours depending in the day and activity.

You do not need JTR, but you are expected to be active and working towards other top teams for events. NS, Troopers, Pheonix, Old Repubic, BH ect.

We're a good group, a little more lax then some other guilds. 600 tickets strongly encouraged, but allow leeway for having a life; so have a 550+ ticket monthly average expectation.

HAAT/Rancor raids at 3:00pm and 9:00pm est. Hsith currently starts at 12 noon est

We use line and it is required, my user is cypher82 connect with me there if you are interested.
Post edited by MP83_Cypher on


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