hSTR Guild Looking to Fill 2 Spots

96 posts Member
edited March 2019
We're an established hSTR guild looking to fill two spots that were vacated by two members who needed a different raid time schedule. Guild is 168mil GP at 48/50, ~75% TW win rate, 42/45 TB stars, hSTR on easy farm.
We're well organized and believe in a guild-first attitude. We have a great community here, and use Discord for comms.

Prospective player must participate in all events, have a decent Arena ranking (top 100), and do well in TB Combats.

Message me here or on Discord (preferably) if you have any questions. Thanks for reading.

Discord ID: teng#4812
Post edited by tpw408 on


  • tpw408
    96 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    Prospective members don't necessarily need JTR (we've got enough), but bring at least two strong teams for Phases 2 or 3 of hSTR.

    Discord ID: teng#4812
  • tpw408
    96 posts Member
    Just finished our 9th consecutive hSTR yesterday. Just 2 spots left. Looking for good rosters and motivated players.

    Discord ID: teng#4812
  • Options
    What should we have in order to join your guild?
  • tpw408
    96 posts Member
    At least two solid teams for hSTR (G12). Like JTR, Imperial Troopers, Leia spam, Chex Mix, Nightsisters, etc. And, please be active and motivated.
  • Options
    Any spots available???
    Have imp troopers, JTR tm, nightmare tm
    Daily 600, contribute to all TB, TW n other phases.
  • tpw408
    96 posts Member
    Check your Discord messages for my reply.
  • tpw408
    96 posts Member
    Looking for someone with a strong Chex Mix and a G12 Greedo.

    Discord ID: teng#4812
  • tpw408
    96 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    We just opened up 1 more space. Need someone who's got 3 solid teams for hSTR and team-oriented.

    Discord ID: teng#4812
    Post edited by tpw408 on
  • tpw408
    96 posts Member
    hSTR on farm. 1-2 spots available. Easiest way to reach me is with Discord.

    Discord ID: teng#4812
  • tpw408
    96 posts Member
    Looking for 2 solid players. Send me a Discord friend request if interested. Thanks.

    Discord ID: teng#4812
  • tpw408
    96 posts Member
    Need two good, well-rounded players. Next hSTR tomorrow. Traya shards and 43 stars in TB.

    Discord ID: teng#4812
  • Options
    We're starting an hSTR tomorrow (Friday). One spot open for a player looking for a good guild home.

    Discord ID: teng#4812
  • tpw408
    96 posts Member
    Steady supply of Traya shards for friendly, motivated players...
  • tpw408
    96 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    Post edited by tpw408 on
  • Options
    One spot open for a solid player.
  • Options
    One spot has opened up. I'd be happy to answer any questions/concerns.

    Discord ID: teng#4812
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    Do you have 2 spots? Do you have minimum gp requirement?
  • Options
    Original post updated to reflect our current status. Thanks for reading.

    Discord ID: teng#4812
  • Options
    Can make room for a handful of players. Let me know if you're interested.

    Discord ID: teng#4812
  • Options
    Looking for 1-2 solid players. Send me a message on Discord.

    Discord ID: teng#4812
  • Options
    Hi, you guys still have opening ??

    What time zones are you guys in ?
  • Options
    1 space just opened up. Best way to reach me is through Discord:

    Discord ID: teng#4812
  • Options
    Still looking for that one new member before or after this Territory War.

    Discord ID: teng#4812
  • Options
    Would like to bring in a new member after this TB ends.

    Discord ID: teng#4812
  • tpw408
    96 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    Looking for 1-2 new players after this TW ends.

    Discord ID: teng#4812
  • Options
    We've got one spot available right now.

    Discord ID: teng#4812
  • tpw408
    96 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    One spot opened up this afternoon. Our guild is very stable. Looking for someone who wants a good guild home.

    Discord ID: teng#4812
  • Options
    Updated original post...we're looking for just one player who's looking for a good guild home.
  • tpw408
    96 posts Member
    Currently looking for 2 players...
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