We need ships 3.0

I'm so tired of the same ships and Thrawn and redundant RNG fest. All these new toons and gear getting released, work is done to create a PvE table for ships but my God release some new ships. It was stale before and it's even more stale now. Oh look another thrawn fight, oh look another RNG fight to the ultimate ability. Everything else about the game is working very well from a farming and diversity aspect but ships needs to become the focus for at least 6 months. Even basic players are maxing out chimera Biggs tfp slave 1 Vader blah blah blah. Theres so much opportunity and ships that can be created. All this talk of new raids and new content. I think a poll would show that more than 75% of the player base is unhappy with ships 2.0 and feels it was a step backwards. All these bogus metrics about more fights, like analytics is baseball, doesnt really show the whole picture. I dont even know why ships gets such little attention, it doesnt even make sense to not release a mass of ships from a business standpoint, people would be so happy to spend money for some fresh life in such a terrible aspect of the game. When 1-300 is all the same fleet configuration something needs to change
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