Come Join the Chaos!!

Hello all! I am an officer of a guild known as the Harbingers of Chaos, one of a several guild family looking to fill the last several spots on our roster. We run HAAT, and Heroic Rancor of course, and currently defeat the T4 Sith Raid very quickly. The community of Chaos relies on a communication app known as Slack (its free :D ), which is a requirement to join us. Communication is the key to success! By joining us, you’ll be joining a guild that prides itself on being a family, and there will always be someone to answer your questions. The only other things we require are that you have Commander Luke Skywalker, or Jedi Training Rey as part of your collection (they are essential to the sith raid!) and you get your daily 600 tickets! If you’re interested, my ally code is 496-796-552, shoot me an email at, or simply reply to this post. Come join the Chaos!
All the best,
- Tulak
May the Force be with You
- Tulak
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