Add to Yoda AoE ability (masterstroke) "can't be countered"

665 posts Member
edited July 2018
After the Yoda rework now he is viable in the arena but still too easy to kill due to the AoE ability against characters with counter chance like, specially, Nest and Thrawn, or also (but less important) against CLS teams and teams with General Kenobi.

Vader has "This attack can't be countered" in his AoE ability, and Yoda is as good as Vader in the saga, so I think Yoda must have the same attribute in his "masterstroke".

Yoda is very fast and is using AoE all the time on defense, so makes him very easy to kill, automatically is killed by Nest or receive a lot of damage and ability block from Thrawn.

The jedi teams are good with Yoda as leader or specially now with Bastila as leader, but only in offense, when you can use basic instead of AoE, in all YouTube videos the youtubers use basic instead of AoE, when most of times is better use AoE to get another turn and reduce cooldowns, but they not do it to prevent counters, if they do it the battle would be very different, and this it what happens on defense, Yoda is killed very fast in few seconds.

This situation could be solved adding this attribute in his AoE ability and then Yoda will be as good as he deserve and jedi teams will be better on defense.
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