QGJ humbling blow vs Savage brute

If you use QGJ's humbling blow on an unbuffed Savage it will trigger brute which gives off up def up. The bug here is that off up actually gets applied before the dispel effect of humbling blow. So humbling blow always grants off up to your party if you use it on savage assuming it is not resisted.

Here is the order of events in the attack.

QGJ vs Savage both unbuffed

1) QGJ uses humbling blow
2) damage to savage
3) savage gets off up
4) humbling blow dispels off up
5) HB grants off up to party
6) savage gets def up

I really doubt this is by design and would think it is a bug. Don't get me wrong I enjoy knowing I can always get off up by using HB on savage. But that does seem like a bug to me.


  • MeetraSurik
    313 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    All attacks need to process on-hit effects before damage, and not just Humbling Blow. Yoda's Masterstroke does the same thing to an enemy Savage, and shouldn't.

    Btw, your step 6 never comes.
  • Options
    If step 6 never comes how come every time I do this he ends up with def up? I thought HB is supposed to dispel all positive buffs?
  • Options
    Every time I do it, Savage doesn't get any buffs, but my QGJ gives the team offense up. Maybe different ability ranks have different internal effects? Maybe he's partially resisted the attack somehow?
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