House Salaktori - 152m GP - HSITH Farm, LS43/DS46* - multiple openings

25 posts Member
HOUSE SALAKTORI has multiple openings.

We are part of the House Divided Alliance and we will be splitting out members to help a new guild become heroic. As a result, we will a very rare period of multiple openings. This is an organized move of members, and spots will be created for recruits as the right candidates are recruited.

Our recruits are:
2.9 million GP or higher
Sith Ready in 3 or more phases
Have a roster of g12 guys able to help with high end TW (full clear is the expectation)
Active multiple times a day with a love of SWGOH.

Our rules are:

#1 - 600 is required every day within 22 hours.

#2 - Raids
Rancor - 8:00 est. no solo runs posted for 10 minutes (8:10Pm post)
HSith- 8:30pm ph1-2 day 1. Ph 3-4 day 2. NO preloading! No ph3 Damage on day 1.
Tank - 10:00pm est. Free for all
(Sith will likely be moving to one day after this merger - we complete each half in about 40 minutes)

#3 TB rules. Attack and deploy as early as possible. It is expected to be done within 12 hours. Fill indicated platoons ASAP and only the indicated platoons. Always read instructions on discord.

#4 TW rules: 100% participation. Check in often. Set 4 defenses, one fleet. Should be within first 10-12 hours.

#5 Use Discord. Check daily AND any time the in game announcement says to.

Our guild:

Interested? Our alliance has a recruitment discord server you can reach here:

You can also feel free to message me directly with your SWGOH.GG link and we can chat here or I can pass on my Discord ID.

I look forward to talking with you.
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