F.O. need more OP characters

Hi everyone,

With all these new characters arriving (like Bastila Shan) and even the old dominator squad that is the Empire, other arena squads are becoming really weak and it’s practically impossible to beat higher rank squads.
I compete at the arena with my First Order team, and until I got to rank 250 it was fine, but now I can’t go on because the Empire squad and the Jedi with this new leader are literally dominating the entire arena.
I know that this must be a very common situation amongst all teams, and that it won’t change a lot, because that’s how the game is, but I’d be really happy if a new First Order character or duo was released. This comment clearly won’t solve the situation, but... you know, let me dream


  • Vendi1983
    5029 posts Member
    I choose to stick with my FO in arena. I fight to stay sub-200, but I'm going against teams that are 5-10k higher and 90% Palp Meta. I find it more enjoyable than gearing up my Palpatine, Thrawn, Vader and doing 2-5 mirror matches a day.
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    there are tons of factions that need OP Characters, Bounty Hunters are one.
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    Keep running that FO team please. You are easy pickings, and have a big target on your back.
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    FO and BH actually do very well against Bastilla Teams. Go Check ahnalds latest video on that one.

    Still Both factions have many chars missing that might beef up their strength.

    FO: Hux, Snoke, Flametrooper, Riot-Trooper, Praetorian Guards.

    BH: Embo, Aurra Sing, Jango Fett, Rako Hardeen and quite some more.

    So just wait and enjoy the current stuff. There will be more to come.

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    Check out my praetorian guard kit I’m not sure if it’s necessarily OP per say but I definitely think it is viable and relatively balanced
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    First Order can beat Traya lead teams, so honestly, I don't know what you're struggling with :/
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