Planet Moraband 142m+

Looking for 3m+, HSTR raid teams for each phase. Also have an alt guild for mercing extra HSTR raids each week. 3m minimum, nothing less.

Casual guild, relaxed atmosphere with incredibly serious players. No hard 600 but missing consistently won't work.

Rotation raid times.
Pit: 12pm/9pm
Tank: 1pm/8pm
Sith: 2pm/7pm
All times CST

42*/44* in TB. Haven't been TW focused at all, but shifting that way, so we will be improving dramatically in it over the next few weeks.

Most of us are only a handful of raids from unlocking Traya, and will 7* her quicker with our alt guild. To join it, you must have an alt and get your 600 daily in there to participate in each Merc raid weekly.

If you're looking for a laid back place, look no further. Message me on Discord as I'm rarely here on forums.

Chrome Cobra#6892
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