Idea for P2

Phasma (L), Sabine, Leia, Zaalbar, +1. You probably want another tank that can regenerate lots of health or protection so it can last a while.
Try to get a bunch of armor shreds with Sabine and Zaalbar. Sabine and Phasma are unnecessary for very long and it’s alright if they die. The idea is that Leia will go stealth and with all of her buffs, and cycles she’ll be able to hit around 30k maybe more for each hit that she lands. Under a Phasma lead there’s a good chance Zaalbar and whoever else you choose are going to call Leia for assists. And because she’s stealthed Sion can’t counter her. It’d be great if someone might be able to try this team and let me know how it does since I don’t have enough gear on this team for it to work. Thanks in advance for any suggestions or feedback!


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