Nordic Kingdom Kinderkarten 41M GP is looking for new players

66 posts Member
edited August 2018
Nordic Kingdom Kinderkarten
41M GP

Nordic Kingdom is a two guild family of players based in Finland but with members from all across the world. Our main guild is one of the most prominent Northern European guilds with stellar stats and good reputation. We are also members of the renowned Binks Galactic Naval Academy. We have a vibrant Discord server that houses both of our guilds and where people from our junior guild can have guidance from the old dogs. We also run our own youtube channel where guild members can post and watch videos to learn things from each other. We are joyous and full of humour, which at times can be quite wayward. At the moment we are only looking players to our junior guild.

-Guild GP is 41M
-GMT+3 and raid times at 18:30
-They run Hpit and will start haat as soon as the current empty spots are vacant
-Sith raid is ran at 4th level
- TW & TB goes quite well for this sized guild

Our players are between 200K-2.2M GP. So you are not too small to participate. If you wish to join a good crew that has fun and is building a good competitive guild, then join us. You get a good community with lots of help and fun times of playing this awesome game. There is also a possibility for route upwards when you get better, since at times we can promote people to the main guild. If you want in, contact me and we can chat about it.
Nordic Kingdom Alliance Leader
Post edited by NoK_S5C2H on


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