Dark side team/ Is holdo worth farming?

I was wondering if Holdo is a character I should try farming for. I’m at level 32 ,so still quite new, and she seems like a good tank but I’m not certain. I’m working as hard as I can to get to dark side 7-c hard (her only node) but my dark side team is weak.

Royal guard

Should I work towards Holdo?
And what is a good dark side team to get me there?


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    Sorry, but you’re not quite at her node yet. If you don’t spend any money, expect it to be at least a few months before you can get 3 stars on her node. Don’t bother for now, I would recommend you farm the Phoenix characters since they make a solid beginner team and will be able to unlock Thrawn and EP. You can then run Empire with Tarkin, Vader and TFP, and eventually sub in Sion and Nihilus. Kylo Ren Unmasked is a good tank for a player around your level if you decide to go against the flow of Phoenix. You can run him with FO Stormtrooper, Kylo Ren, FO Officer, and FO Executioner. But I would recommend Phoenix first.
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