Top 5 Characters I would love to see in the game

Hey there forums! If you're here you must love SWGOH as much as I do. I have been thinking about some of these characters for a long time and I reeeeeeally want to see them in the game within the next year. This is a pretty long post so bare with me here.

5. C3P0 - I know he isn't much of a fighter but I have seen some people saying that he could be like Hoda and be more of a supportive character. I think that 3P0 needs to be in this game as he is one of the only characters that has appeared in every single star wars movie. He could have great synergy with R2. I think that C2P0 would be a Legendary character.

4. Praetorian Guard - Let's be real here.... the most interesting part of the Last Jedi was the fight scene between Rey/Kylo and the Praetorian guards. These guys are pretty BA. I don't think we need to see multiple of them based on the weapons because that is just overkill. I think that there should be just one that has synergies with Snoke (Spoiler for next character). The praetorian guards were very popular among fans for their cool armor and their fighting skills and they would make an excellent addition to the FO faction. Praetorian Guard would fit as a marquee character.

3. Snoke - SNOKE!!!! So much speculation behind this guy before the movie came out and I'm really upset that we haven't seen him in the game yet. I really hope that they are planning on adding him eventually to buff up a FO team. At the moment we have 8 FO characters. If CG added Snoke and Praetorian Guard we would be able to make 2 full teams of FO characters. Snoke was popular among fans because of his dark and mysterious past and we really wanted to see big things out of him. His powers with the force were very strong and I really think that people would love to see him in the game. Snoke would be a Legendary Character for sure. PS If we can get Holdo and Rose we can get Snoke..

2. Carth Onasi - CG!!!! You're trolling us here! I am so happy to see so many Old Republic era toons being added to the game. It is 100% my favorite era of Star Wars, but lets be real here... where the heck is Carth! Carth was the first party character that you meet in KOTOR and is probably one of the more important ones. I do love all the characters we have received but come on! Carth! We really need to see him in the game. I'm surprised he wasn't released with the rest of the KOTOR characters. I know we will get Revan eventually but I won't feel complete without my boy Carth. Carth seems to me that he would be a marquee character.

Honorable Mentions - Ebon Hawk (A ship, for those who don't know), Ki adi mundi, Padme

1. Revan and Malak- I don't really have to explain myself on this one. They are both very popular in the Star Wars universe and I know we will get Revan eventually, but I hope to see his traitorous friend, Malak, along with him. I think that Malak could be released as a legendary character and that Sith would be needed to unlock him. I think that Revan would be a "Heroes Journey" type character and would require Malak (would be similar to r2 and bb8, a legendary to unlock Heroes journey character) and 4 old republic toons. My recommended would be t3, Bastila, Mission and Zalbaar. Jolee is a cool character but he isn't around in the beginning of the game when you are trying to escape Taris from its impending doom.

If you made it all the way here thanks for reading and please post any characters you would love to see or any opinions on the characters that I have posted here.


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