Looking to join a hsith guild? We have room for 2.

219 posts Member
edited September 2018
Looking for 1 player for an hsith guild.

Must have 2+ Million GP. Active with a good assortment of toons. Must have at least 1 good hsith team, should be able to do 2+ million dmg in hsith.

Line required.

550+ ticket weekly average. We don't have a strict 600, as life happens, vacations ect. but expect 550+ as an average.

We did 43* last DTB, Rancor/Haat Raids are 3:00pm and 9:00pm est rotating.

Hsith is currently at 12:00(noon) est, but this most likely change when we are completing it in less than 18 hours, our current time is about 30 hours, give or take a few hours if we run on a weekend, or have other events going on.

Contact me through line cypher82
Post edited by MP83_Cypher on


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