Smugglers Run trio?



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    I set on them good mods, and i made the right tm for qi'ra in the last stage.. she have to clear the shore's taunts and crit immunity, then stun the 2 death troppers and the game is done...
    L3 is really important in this team.
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    My nest pretty much solo'd it(hardest difficulty)my g12 han solo died early..
    Only thing is i had to kill death trooper first so that he doesn't daze.. won even without qira leadership..buzpynm9jnkw.jpg
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    For those doing 2nd to last tier with g12 Han and g8 vets only how did you mod vets? I have them with Crit Chance and Crit Damage but I feel they're too squishy and i'm thinking of going hard on health with 6 hp mods and protection.
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    No qui'ra.
    3 Han
    L3 and Nest.
    Made it.
  • lifeisagame007
    99 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    This is my run with G12 han and G8 vets, it was pretty straight forward.
  • ddlooping2
    1047 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Managed to finish the highest tier without Qi'ra by slow playing all but the last phase so as to get Yolo as powerful as possible.
    RNG might have been on my side too though.
    G8 Vets, G11 Nest, G12 raid Han, G12 Yolo (only Nest and Yolo survived).

    Edit : sorry, that was off-topic.
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    Thanks. I was actually able to do 2nd to last with g12 Raid Han and g7 Veterans. Took a few tries and different combos of who to attack first and with what, but got it. Only 2 star but rewards are the same.
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    I won the last tier with this team (only the 7 stars) (obviously i'm a f2p, but i farm hard in cantina nodes)nlx7lizz9bwd.png

    SHENANIGANS! Mine got smoked ...
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    I did it pretty easily with 7-star G12 Z raid han and the 7-star vets at g8

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    I won the last tier with this team (only the 7 stars) (obviously i'm a f2p, but i farm hard in cantina nodes)nlx7lizz9bwd.png

    SHENANIGANS! Mine got smoked ...

    @EventineElessedil yours are stronger than mine and I 3* the final tier today. I do have zeta on young han though. Play first 2 tiers slow and max young hans speed and have all cooldowns ready. Use Chewie to clear first taunt and Qira to clear second that is done later.
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    VonZant wrote: »
    I won the last tier with this team (only the 7 stars) (obviously i'm a f2p, but i farm hard in cantina nodes)nlx7lizz9bwd.png

    SHENANIGANS! Mine got smoked ...

    @EventineElessedil yours are stronger than mine and I 3* the final tier today. I do have zeta on young han though. Play first 2 tiers slow and max young hans speed and have all cooldowns ready. Use Chewie to clear first taunt and Qira to clear second that is done later.

    @VonZant I guess I did it rong! Tried it yesterday and today with the same results both times. Those DTs with their ignore protection buff just rake my zHan and then eveybody goes down. Yeah, that's right, they RAKED him.
    No big, just a few salvage I missed out on ... and maybe some mods that were worth the trouble, got nothing decent.
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    I got 3* on T3 with a g9 lv82 Zolo, g9 lv78 Vet Chewie and g8 lv78 Vet Han
    (had to swap some mods from DT and TFP onto the vets though)
  • KKatarn
    629 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    By the way, is this event weekly like the other scoundrels events (credits and training droids)?
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