Using the 6 old bounty hunters, what's the best team?

281 posts Member
edited September 2018
By old bounty hunters, I mean Boba Fett, IG-88, Dengar, Zam Wesell, Greedo and Cad Bane.

So, who should the leader be, and who should be left out? Zetas and strategies that make the ideal team work, is also good to know.

Personally, I've so far just used zBoba (L), IG-88, Greedo, Bane and Zam, while modding them all with potency mods. That's been working well enough for the BH missions in dark side TB, despite low-ish gear levels, but perhaps something better is required for the upcoming legendary event.

Any advice appreciated. :)


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    I think that Cad is probably the "worst" of the bunch, so I'd use Fett lead, IG88, Zam, Greedo, and Dengar.

    That being said, if Cad is much better geared than a non-Boba member, use him in their place.
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Boba Zam Greedo Dengar Cad. Make sure your Boba and Zam are near or over 200 speed. After Zam gets to go, the other team will rarely get to move. Put Bossk in once you can.
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    Cad has a ship, and a pretty good one at that. He's worth gearing either way. Cad needs a bunch of cuffs too. You can find all the gearing requirements on
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    Farm and hoard gear, dont equip it until the event is out and you know what is needed. That way you dont have to guess. Just look up what gear you need on

    CG has said this event will be "very difficult" as a warning.
    I wouldn't be surprised if they do something like having getting 5* easy but 6-7* being a huge jump in dificulty that might require much high gear than other legendary events. It might even need something like Bossk lead or zeta zam lead to have the survivabiliy to finish.
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    1hasnoname wrote: »
    Farm and hoard gear, dont equip it until the event is out and you know what is needed. That way you dont have to guess. Just look up what gear you need on

    CG has said this event will be "very difficult" as a warning.
    I wouldn't be surprised if they do something like having getting 5* easy but 6-7* being a huge jump in dificulty that might require much high gear than other legendary events. It might even need something like Bossk lead or zeta zam lead to have the survivabiliy to finish.

    Yep, somewhat similar to Thrawn. 5star you can get it with any comp and trash gear, but 7star pretty much mandates not to have sabine, plus a few g10+ with great, systematic mods.
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    Speaking of gear, greedo is a nightmare at g9...200 stun cuffs?!?!? How bad are Zam and Cad to gear up?

    Cad bane was one of those characters I just threw gear on when I saw a green plus sign on him. So I honestly don't remember but shouldn't be too bad but I don't think zam is bad at all. I took mine to g9 for the event. She does however need some raid gear to go from 9 to 10
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    I’ve been using Zam’s Leader and it’s awesome.
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    I’ve been using Zam’s Leader and it’s awesome.

    Agreed, zams leader makes bounty hunters super durable, maybe more than Bossk lead. Its not uncommon to explode 3-4 deronators per turn and regain 20% health and protection.

    ...and i dont understand the cad hate.
    His basic hits for about 15k each shot, and almost always double taps.
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