Balance? Please. Don't make me laugh

A long time ago.....

There wasn't one meta. There weren't two metas. There were a lot of arena viable teams available in the top 10-20..

Way old school had many leads: Sidious, Old Ben, Dooku, QGJ, Phasma, even STH.

Then, instead of releasing balanced new characters to the mix, things started going a little sideways, but there were still multiple options: Wiggs, HK-47 (w/ Engineer), QGJ, Phasma (phasing out). Believe it or not, Rex wasn't used much then except for some very resourceful players.

The 1st two legendary characters came out, GMY and Palpatine. While both were strong, both were countered many ways.

Next, came the first breaking......Mods. Even after their little fix (and if you were playing when that happened, you know exactly what I'm talking about), didn't stop what would soon be coming down the road. Right about the same time, came Rogue One and the infamous "unbeatable" Chaze.

Then, the 2nd breaking....Nihilus. A legendary event yet. But by this time, most whales were able to get him the first time out (myself included), and had him at g10-11 and 7* on day one. Nihilus gets his own breaking simply because of Annihilate. It's been how long since Nihilus was released, and he's still probably the most used character since his release? How many others have fallen off since him?

Not long after that was the zeta. These, IMO, were actually good for the game for awhile. It gave the Canon big boys (Vader, Yoda, Sidious and others) an extra ability to help make them viable again. The biggest screw up here was Barriss. Her zeta really started to affect which teams could take down the top meta of GQJ, Barriss, and 3 others (usually Chaze and Nihilus). There were a couple of counters to it, notably a Nihilus lead, since they couldn't crit, hence negating her zeta. But things started to get tight.

Commander Luke came along and changed the meta again, and again reducing the number of viable options to counter him.

Then JT Rey came along to counter the Luke meta. Then the Palpatine zetas came along to counter the Rey meta.

The next breaking, and this one is still ongoing is Traya. I laughed when I first saw her kit, knowing exactly what was going to happen. This meta trounces all the others and then some. Even when it was JT Rey or CLS in the meta you would see up to 3 or 4 different combos that could work against them. And unless you've played KotoR 2, you don't even know who Traya, Sion, or Nihilus are. Palpatine, GMY, CLS, even JTR I get. They are huge characters in the movies and in books. The others are from a video game 12-13 years old that most probably didn't even play.

Look through your top 50 now. You might see a Bastilla, and you might see a Jango. That's it.

Instead of attempting to balance the game, they just add new, even more over the top characters to counter their latest screw up. I was tentatively excited about Jango, hoping there would be more than Batilla, or the brave few who do the magmatrooper, or another Traya to counter the Traya squad. And he does to an extent. It depends on who your opponent is using for their 4th and 5th member. Most people use Sith Trooper, and about 80% use Nest (who, even at 4* is ridiculously overpowered). It also depends on if who you're facing now has 6* mods and what speed Nest is at (328 is highest I've seen).

There are so many ways that the arena portion of this game could be fixed, but there seems to be no desire to do it. The quickest one would be to force squads to stick to their leader's alignments. Another would be to actually do some massive play testing and re-balance this game.

I am (was) a whale. I have spent a lot of time and $$ (almost 45gp) on this game that day by day grows more and more frustrating. The only part of the game I've liked for the last two years is arena. And for the last 6 months, that's been lost as well. TB is ok. TW is a good idea gone bad. Now that I've got Traya 7*, I highly doubt I'll put any effort into the Sith Raid. It's too RNG reliant. It requires too many restarts if one little thing goes wrong (i.e. DN resisting Rey, BB8 getting the shield icon).

GoH was one of the first of these types of games, and has been the best for a long time. Unfortunately for you, there are a couple of other options now available to people who like to see balance among characters that neither makes them god-like or too wimpy to bother with. They have done innovative things with raids that make it less of a chore and more fun. I would highly suggest that the programmers check out some of these other games lest they lose even more players than they currently are.


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    Power creep is definitely a thing, cg refuses to nerf characters because then people who invested in said characters would feel shafted.

    IMO the meta is the best that it’s been in a while, it’s like a Rock Paper Scissors thing (palp, traya, and bastilla) instead of the solid cls wall of the past. Not perfect by any means but an improvement.
    Saying certain characters shouldn’t be powerful because they aren’t popular is silly tho my guy
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    Thanks for your insightful comments.....
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    i agree with OP. it's unfortunate and frustrating that they focus so much on introducing unnecessary new characters instead of making (and keeping) the ones we have balanced, especially when the new characters are usually ridiculous and just make the imbalance worse. not every character should be equally strong, but they should all be useful for more than just platoon fodder, and many of them are not because the power creep is so out of control.

    i haven't been around long enough to have been angered by the release of nihilus or chaze; they were already in the game when i started, but enfys nest bugged the crap out of me. what a horribly designed and totally unbalanced character that is. yes i know she can be beaten, not the point.
  • HK666
    1263 posts Member
    Can't pretend that I was here from the start, and I've been playing for a lot less longer than OP, but I've been loving this game.

    Way I see it, they use power creep to incentivize spending, which keeps this game ftp and running. Power creep means they'll always be a best team.

    I can acquire everything a whale can, it'll just take me a whole lot longer. I've accepted I wont get everything immediately, and just gotta make sure I'm disciplined enough with my investments to be effective.

    So I'm perfectly fine with the direction the game has been going for the most part, and I'd like them to keep doing what they're doing. Think the only thing they could do to cross the line would be to hide a character I love behind a paywall permanently, not just for a few months. And I'm probably at the point where I'd just keep playing anyways because there is a lot more free stuff for me to collect
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    absolutely they use power creep to goad spending; you're totally right there. i just refuse to accept that it's necessary for the financial health of the game, i.e. making the game profitable need not come at the expense of decent balance, and we certainly don't need new ridiculous characters every 10 minutes.
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    Didn't read all, just got to the nihilus part. He wasn't a legendary, he was a marquee, and if I'm not mistaken it was the first set of marquees along with Sith assassin and Sith trooper.

    Second, when the game just started there were some viable leaders, but the teams were the same. Everyone had qgj, rey, phasma, royal guard and sidious, ben. The only difference was the leader spot.

    Third, mods made the game a lot better. If it wasn't for them this would have died long ago (look at ships 2.0 dislike and the coin flips).

    Fourth, every meta ever has had counters, but some don't hold on defense (see Zfinn)
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    Not here since the beginning, but close. There was more balance in the beginning, then 1 or 2 teams. But they have worked hard to bring things back to balanced. With new Chewie coming it looks like rebels will be back, I know too early to tell. But if that holds true top 100 will have a solid mix of rebels, resistance, jedi and sith. That's pretty good imo. Nothing holds on defense anymore which is exactly how it should be. The player should be smarter than the AI.
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    Didn't read all, just got to the nihilus part. He wasn't a legendary, he was a marquee, and if I'm not mistaken it was the first set of marquees along with Sith assassin and Sith trooper.

    Yeah. You're right. It's been so long I forgot.

    Second, when the game just started there were some viable leaders, but the teams were the same. Everyone had qgj, rey, phasma, royal guard and sidious, ben. The only difference was the leader spot.

    Not 100% true, but I get your point
    Third, mods made the game a lot better. If it wasn't for them this would have died long ago (look at ships 2.0 dislike and the coin flips).

    Other games of similar style don't have mods and they are thriving. They are also able to better balance the characters because there are no mods to worry about. And I'm not absolutely saying they are bad, but it certainly broke the game from what it was.
    I do agree about ships though...what a snooze fest that is now.
    Fourth, every meta ever has had counters, but some don't hold on defense (see Zfinn)
    Nothing holds on defense. Every squad can be beaten. The only people that stay in top 10 for a 24 hour period are those that tend to not sleep much.

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    Play for fun and the game will be a better experience. Been here since the beginning and this game is way better now then it was 3 years ago. The arena now is a very small part if the game. The rewards are great but don't carry you through the game.
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    I don't know what 45gp translates into $/£\€..But i 1yr I am over 2k USD and still 250 in arena. I used to play Galaxy Legend and quit for same reason.Devs. just started churning out a Meta ship every 2 weeks..You see one or two players acquire a ship for 2-3$ equivalent. BUT you would drop 100-200 and have nothing.I dropped 100 on NEST did not get to 5*. So now I just.donate 10$ a week to chase my G11 pieces.
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    Mass release a bunch of toons may do the trick instead of bandaid toons that spring another leak
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    Personally I hate the fact that they keep introducing new characters one after the other. If you don't pay hour way to the top you gotta grind for 6-8 months then once that's completed and you achieve that you get no time to enjoy it as the new meta squad is out and everyone's chasing that. Don't get me wrong, it's good to have something to do but grinding gets soooo boring and in this case OT feels pointless towards the end.
    The ship's is the most annoying part of this game, it so frustrating to see weak teams do constant critical attacks and land all their debuffs on you every time they attack, and our ship's miss the majority of our debuffs and hardly ever crit, I mean I have missed crits even with advantage!!! It just makes me close the client in rage cos it feels like you get cheated rather that lose fair and square.
    The leader abilities are beyond a joke too, how many leader abilities do the bounty Hunter's have? Almost every char in that faction has one, it's like "that didn't work, play let's try another leader ability" instead of just adjusting power. I've wasted time and effort to zeta boosk and now it's worthless so I gotta now zeta jango!!!
    This game has become "Galaxy of rage " recently and it has taken a turn for the worse since the release of JTR which in my opinion was lazy development. Her kit consists of immune and more immune and the latest joke is obviously treya and the stupidly op nest, which again seemed like lazy development, " let's just keep adding protection" it was almost like a joke at us!
    The sith raid..... Man I'm gonna even gonna start, it's no fun and I add a random team to register my score the close client as TBH I hate it
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    The real problem is the lack of creativity and/or strategy by the players. There are lots of ways to compete at the top of arena, but everyone wants the same stupid team as everyone else. Don't blame the game for the sheep mentality of the masses.
  • Rmaxtpmx
    294 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    **** is censored? Ridiculous. Sorry, the same...cheesy team... boring? Lame?
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    Rmaxtpmx wrote: »
    The real problem is the lack of creativity and/or strategy by the players. There are lots of ways to compete at the top of arena, but everyone wants the same **** team as everyone else. Don't blame the game for the sheep mentality of the masses.

    Link us a screenshot of something other than traya , bastilla , or palp in top 10 on a old shard. Or show us your team's creativity and it working , As someone who uses troopers in arena I know the struggles of using non meta your statement makes us believe that CUP and Mob enforcer are meta but we are all to stupid to try It lol .

    Just look at new omegas compared to old zetas this is not a balanced game.
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    There has been minimal balance since the games inception. So the lack of balance we are seeing currently is nothing new.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    The game designers don't aim at balancing every faction and character to all be equally viable. The bussiness strategy in this game is to let power creep little by little. And they are quite successfully deploying that strategy.
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    Took this screenshot last week. Can't climb higher because of Traya. Batilla is 50/50 since ewoks lack damage, a 3* enfy can solo my entire team, and any team with a nihilus faster than my ewoks will win everytime. My ewoks can beat anyone else easily.
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    I do not think here much balance.
    I am not fighting for the top.
    Just trying to be strong in 200 maybe sometime 100.

    But I see just same teams around me with small exceptions. Mostly sith at current levels. They all same, just difference in mods and there and there mixed chars. Same in the top, just different sith.

    No potency tenacity balance.

    And one more thing - as I see it if I stop playing for some time - there are no come back. Game take it off time so some timeout can be good. But this will be end I feel.

    If you are stuck in progress you are down most likely forewer.
    Too bad
  • Vertigo
    4497 posts Member
    Ryzak620 wrote: »
    A long time ago.....

    There wasn't one meta. There weren't two metas. There were a lot of arena viable teams available in the top 10-20..

    Way old school had many leads: Sidious, Old Ben, Dooku, QGJ, Phasma, even STH.

    Then, instead of releasing balanced new characters to the mix, things started going a little sideways, but there were still multiple options: Wiggs, HK-47 (w/ Engineer), QGJ, Phasma (phasing out). Believe it or not, Rex wasn't used much then except for some very resourceful players.

    The 1st two legendary characters came out, GMY and Palpatine. While both were strong, both were countered many ways.

    Next, came the first breaking......Mods. Even after their little fix (and if you were playing when that happened, you know exactly what I'm talking about), didn't stop what would soon be coming down the road. Right about the same time, came Rogue One and the infamous "unbeatable" Chaze.

    Then, the 2nd breaking....Nihilus. A legendary event yet. But by this time, most whales were able to get him the first time out (myself included), and had him at g10-11 and 7* on day one. Nihilus gets his own breaking simply because of Annihilate. It's been how long since Nihilus was released, and he's still probably the most used character since his release? How many others have fallen off since him?

    Not long after that was the zeta. These, IMO, were actually good for the game for awhile. It gave the Canon big boys (Vader, Yoda, Sidious and others) an extra ability to help make them viable again. The biggest screw up here was Barriss. Her zeta really started to affect which teams could take down the top meta of GQJ, Barriss, and 3 others (usually Chaze and Nihilus). There were a couple of counters to it, notably a Nihilus lead, since they couldn't crit, hence negating her zeta. But things started to get tight.

    Commander Luke came along and changed the meta again, and again reducing the number of viable options to counter him.

    Then JT Rey came along to counter the Luke meta. Then the Palpatine zetas came along to counter the Rey meta.

    The next breaking, and this one is still ongoing is Traya. I laughed when I first saw her kit, knowing exactly what was going to happen. This meta trounces all the others and then some. Even when it was JT Rey or CLS in the meta you would see up to 3 or 4 different combos that could work against them. And unless you've played KotoR 2, you don't even know who Traya, Sion, or Nihilus are. Palpatine, GMY, CLS, even JTR I get. They are huge characters in the movies and in books. The others are from a video game 12-13 years old that most probably didn't even play.

    Look through your top 50 now. You might see a Bastilla, and you might see a Jango. That's it.

    Instead of attempting to balance the game, they just add new, even more over the top characters to counter their latest screw up. I was tentatively excited about Jango, hoping there would be more than Batilla, or the brave few who do the magmatrooper, or another Traya to counter the Traya squad. And he does to an extent. It depends on who your opponent is using for their 4th and 5th member. Most people use Sith Trooper, and about 80% use Nest (who, even at 4* is ridiculously overpowered). It also depends on if who you're facing now has 6* mods and what speed Nest is at (328 is highest I've seen).

    There are so many ways that the arena portion of this game could be fixed, but there seems to be no desire to do it. The quickest one would be to force squads to stick to their leader's alignments. Another would be to actually do some massive play testing and re-balance this game.

    I am (was) a whale. I have spent a lot of time and $$ (almost 45gp) on this game that day by day grows more and more frustrating. The only part of the game I've liked for the last two years is arena. And for the last 6 months, that's been lost as well. TB is ok. TW is a good idea gone bad. Now that I've got Traya 7*, I highly doubt I'll put any effort into the Sith Raid. It's too RNG reliant. It requires too many restarts if one little thing goes wrong (i.e. DN resisting Rey, BB8 getting the shield icon).

    GoH was one of the first of these types of games, and has been the best for a long time. Unfortunately for you, there are a couple of other options now available to people who like to see balance among characters that neither makes them god-like or too wimpy to bother with. They have done innovative things with raids that make it less of a chore and more fun. I would highly suggest that the programmers check out some of these other games lest they lose even more players than they currently are.

    Mods came long before R1 came out. Mods had already been released by the time of the 2nd Palp event. Zetas came out before Nihilus released. They actually came out during the middle of the R1 releases (Chaze were the last couple of toons released before zetas came out) hence why the second half of the R1 team all have zetas, and Chaze doesn't. QGJ wasn't the top meta team with Barriss, it was GK lead, zBarriss, Chaze and Nihilus. Loving that game of hide the nihilus so he can eat the enemy faster than their nihilus can eat you.

    After that your timeline is pretty on point. Each new meta lead essentially just directly counters the leader ability of the meta before it. And now with Revan it's even more obvious. Just reading his abilities is like reading a book that says "And this one will counter traya, and this one will counter bastila and this one will counter traya and this one will counter traya too etc.."

    I'm all for switching up the metas, but they've gone so far into the power creep that the only way to get specific toons out of the meta is to just write abilities that directly stop what those other abilities are doing. It's getting kinda old...
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    Treeburner wrote: »
    Rmaxtpmx wrote: »
    The real problem is the lack of creativity and/or strategy by the players. There are lots of ways to compete at the top of arena, but everyone wants the same **** team as everyone else. Don't blame the game for the sheep mentality of the masses.

    Link us a screenshot of something other than traya , bastilla , or palp in top 10 on a old shard. Or show us your team's creativity and it working , As someone who uses troopers in arena I know the struggles of using non meta your statement makes us believe that CUP and Mob enforcer are meta but we are all to stupid to try It lol .

    Just look at new omegas compared to old zetas this is not a balanced game.
    hm im JTR, and it looks like revan or ns teams hold the best, if i can climb on only nightmare teams /wo traya(new shard, none yet) i can reach #1 but. depends where i start or refresh, need to climb around NS teams, bastila teams were beatable except /w GK, revan is beatable but seems it depend alot on mods and comp. im prety much only guy with anything else it seems, i sort of regret it now as arena is a real strugle, except vs nighmare teams and bastilla /wo gk. ns auto me like nothing just about. i kinda fell short of revan as i was about done with JTR when kotor came and it didnt feel well to rush another new team, and just dump all my hard work for countless months to get jtr. took my time with jtr team and had like almost 3 full g12's 1 hour after jtr journey :p only r2d2 needs 3 gear for full g12 but i dont think it's about gear anymore really. it's freaky when a gmy can near one shot a holdo that is 100k+++ hp /w protection, absurd. i need a bb8 zeta and for bb8 to call jtr to assist and do 2 crits to come close to 60k. with some 90% cc, lower on bb8 tho, need some rng there not just 1 crit. meanwhile gmy teams can just litter the players with buff but when u get illuminated destiny of u either won or lost the game already prety much.

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    So what are the alternatives you’re talking about? Genuinely curious as I quit this game last weekend (mostly for the reasons you speak of) and looking for somewhere else to spend my money.
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    Furianshi wrote: »
    So what are the alternatives you’re talking about? Genuinely curious as I quit this game last weekend (mostly for the reasons you speak of) and looking for somewhere else to spend my money.

    as did i in fact, so i'd like to know too.
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