Anybody beat Nest in Galactic Bounties?



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    yeah mine are somewhat higher geared, but the principal is the same, it feels like this is the best way to do it imho

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    Used 5 star G11 Bossk lead, G12 Boba, G11 Zam, Dengar, Greedo. I mostly worked the stun chain then used Dengar's special to land 6 TDs on Nest. Used Greedo's special to keep her from going when stun didn't land, and saves Zam's non-basic attacks for when protection was up to avoid setting off detonators too early.

    Took about 12 tries to figure it out, but once I did I did it the second time with no troubles, no losses. Just make sure you make it to Nest with all your specials ready to go and don't throw TD's with Zam unless she's got protection up and you don't want to set off the 7 that Dengar and Greedo dropped on her.
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    Anyone without bossk or other new bh?
  • Streve
    15 posts Member
    So what everyone is saying is it can't be beat without Dengar which sucks because mine is only a 3 star.
  • Streve
    15 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    Disregard my last post. I just beat it with zbossk g12, jango g12. Zam g12, cad bane g12, and greedo g12. Definitely thermals and stuns used at the right time is key as well as rng with this particular team. Zam was the only one left standing but it worked. Zbossk was my lead. I tried a Zam lead but I couldn't keep greedo alive long enough to make it to the last stage.
  • USAFmedic129
    1538 posts Member
    ZBossk L GS12, boba GS12, Jango GS11, Dengar GS12, Embo 4* GS11.
  • KKatarn
    629 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    Zann Leader G11
    Boba G12 zeta
    Dengar G12 zeta
    Cade G11
    Greedo G11

    Make sure to reach stage 4 with all your skills ready to be used. Use Dengar, Cade and Greedo to keep Nest from attacking while dropping thermal detonators on her also with Greedo, Dengar and Zann letting them explode after her turn. It is okay if someone dies after using their skills since they also put a detonator on Nest, thanks to Zann leadership.
  • Kai_Mulai
    683 posts Member
    For me, the Nest bounty is the hardest event in the game. You can win if you use the stun + thermal detonators strategy AND get good RNG, but you need both.
  • thedrjojo
    961 posts Member
    Streve wrote: »
    So what everyone is saying is it can't be beat without Dengar which sucks because mine is only a 3 star.

    We've known dengar was vital to bh since September when he became almost mandatory for chewy. Complaining 7 months later that he's needed for any event is weaksauce imo. But you beat it without him,just like you can with chewy 7*, but it's much harder/more work
  • Whatelse73
    2209 posts Member
    Beat it for the first time today. Bossk, Boba, Jango, Dengar, and Embo. Embo's attack that ignores protection along with Dengar's thermals was key to taking her down. Bossk protecting everyone helped to keep Embo around to do that attack 3 times and she was down. Very good feeling finally beating that level.
  • Vendi1983
    5029 posts Member
    Similar strategy to most:

    zBossk, Boba, Jango, Cad, Zam. Time Execute and Zams basic for just after stun wears off or Nest actually took a turn. Big damage. Roll stuns between Cad and Bossk and she took maybe 2-3 turns the whole time not including counters.
  • DanTheDork17
    76 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    My approach was a slightly different. I kept her stunned every chance I got and kept using Jango to reduce her max health with his flamethrower (like what JKR does to her). My team was G12 bossk, G11 Jango, Boba, Cad Bane, and G9 Dengar.
  • Jarvind
    3931 posts Member
    Beat it for the first time today, which let me 7* Nest. Used Bossk lead, Greedo, Dengar, Boba, and Aurra.

    Basically between Dengar and Bossk's specials and Aurra's basic I just kept her stunlocked and wore her down. Took 3 attempts for 2 victories. Aurra G10, the rest were G12.
  • Streve
    15 posts Member
    For those of you who do not have Dengar it isn't a must have. Granted Dengar definitely makes it easier. I beat Enfys Nest twice now without Dengar. Both times Zam Wessel was the only one standing and as pointed out in an earlier response to a previous post of mine it takes more work to use the team I used. There definitely is RNG involved. Example... Nest uses her AOE attack and crits wiping out half your team in one hit. Yes that happened. Sigh. Retreat and start over. Also time your stuns right. If you open up with ZBossk's net and the stun sticks don't use Cad Banes special until the stun wares off Nest. If it doesn't stick then use Bane's special. Both of Jango's specials come in handy. Use Zam and Greedo's thermals as often as you can.
  • Tattz
    192 posts Member

    I auto with these
  • DaarthBrewer
    1973 posts Member
    Thermal detonators are your friend. I won with one toon standing as the detonators from dead Greedo blew her up.
    Make Bronzium autoplay opening an option.
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