Advantage/Dot Issue

So all the descriptions I can find for the Advantage buff say that it is removed after the unit is attacked twice. Has anyone else noticed that periodic damage removes advantage? Not only that but if a character has two dot debuffs on each dot will take away one stack of advantage at the beggining of the characters turn compleatly removing the buff withought the character taking any direct damage.

It just seems a little broken that one AOE ability from Sid or Darth Vader can compleatly remove Advantage from an entire team. Even if Vader AOEs before the advantage buff is given the two dot stacks alone will remove the buff before any character on the other team can use it.

Not like advantage gives that much of a damage boost compared to a buff like offence up which greatly increases a characters damage and can only be removed by certain characters and even then can be resisted.

Does anyone know if it is supposed to be like this or if the ability is supposed to be removed by direct damage only?
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