The BRG Alliance is looking for YOU! HSTR in progress!


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    What’s wrong with purple hair???
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    Can somebody please join us and explain to HUGS what's wrong with purple har?
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    I’ll brb, gonna go dye my hair purple. Your move cat.
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    I've changed the locks ;P ... moehahaha!! We are left with a little gap between TB and TW, step aboard our beautiful ship and enjoy the ride!
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    Who says we're done! We always have a home for good players! Still looking and always will be :)
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    Join us. We have cookies.
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    Traya on farm for those with the right squads!! For all other players, we have plent besides Traya that makes us merry-go-round :)
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    Still happy and proud of our alliance! We accomplish things without using baby guilds, feeder systems or other means of shoving people around!! Come join us and be part of the team!
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    TW in progress, now is the time to have a good conversation about your new guild!
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    Building our next HSTR guild. Come join for all player levels.
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    We're the cool alliance! Seriously! No poaching! No Feeder system! Here to establish long-term relationships! Come have a talk, we'll work hard to get you the best solution even if it means saying no!
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    Working towards getiing a second guild up to HSTR level! Not rady yet! Come visit us anyways, we have room for players, groups and guilds!
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    We are looking for YOU!!

    - Players that are active
    - Players that use discord
    - Players who manage themselves

    Currently looking for individual or groups of players in the high/mid-range that either are ready for Traya farming or begin building up their HSTR squads and anything in between. We can also accomodate groups of people and we will try our utmost best to keep everyone together as much as circumstances allow!

    BRG is a an active and open international alliance, where each individual matters! We are not a huge alliance, but we have enough guilds to create a very stable environment to help our players get to heroic level! We are very ambitious, but no bootcamp officers allowed! Come join us, grow and have a good time playing swgoh!!

    Invite link to the official BRG Alliance Discord:

    Happy to see ya'll soon!!

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    Update: We currently have 8 positions open amongst 5 of our 7 guilds. A few of those are reserved for Traya junkies! If you're looking for guilds where you roster will grow like clockwork, don't hesitate to jump in!
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    Drop by and talk to someone today about finding your new swgoh home!
  • Steve
    283 posts Member
    I'm not with this alliance but have spoke to catarax a fair bit , and they seem to run the same as mine, so you can't go wrong joining an alliance like this, don't be fooled by one that needs to post up to 3 times to try get people, join one that concentrates on there guilds and treats people with respect, all the best to you BRG
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    We have a second HSTR party!!! We have room for a few more players! Size doesn't matter! We'll get you in the right boat to thrive as a player, cause we are gents!
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    Hop aboard our ship today! We need players that are active, ambitious and also nice!!

    Invite link to the official BRG Alliance Discord:

    We'll be ready for you with free bad coffee and a shot of gin! Let's talk business!
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    Get in before tw starts,
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    Invite link to the official BRG Alliance Discord:

    Looking for players from all around the world! We are 9 guilds that help eachother grow. We don't use a feeder system, every guild runs itself. We are active and social and always help eachother out! Are you a beginner or more advanced player? We have room for all.

    Currently we have a need for 20 mid-level European players, for a guild in need of a merger! Come have a talk, and let's see if we can help each other!

    See you on the other side!! We stand ready with cake and coffee!
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    Currently looking to strengthen our European HSTR muscle! Are you an European guild looking for a merger? Or a group of players? Want cooperation, but no feeder system! We might just be your new home :)
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    We have a third party attempting HSTR! Looking for some players to help out! Hop in for a talk:

    BRG Alliance Discord:
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    We have two spots available in our EST HSTR guild! They just began running hstr, so hop on the bandwagon and don't be late to the feast!
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    See you soon! BRG Alliance Discord:
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    Hugs wrote: »
    What’s wrong with purple hair???

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    That’s a good look for you Nav
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    Hurry hurry before TB will start! And experience a proper TB with an active guild!

    We have:

    3 Places left in 2 USA HSTR Guilds

    2 Places left in 2 Guilds focused on TB around 105 M GP

    3 Places left in 3 Guilds focused on soloing HAAT

    BRG Alliance Discord:

    We are friendly, active, ambitious and communicative, with a well defined alliance structure! We work as independent guilds cooperating in a larger whole, against feeder systems, pro helping eachother grow!

    Ready and Standby to answer questions!
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    Great place to join and grow, work great together as a team in a guild, all working and growing together, was a pleasure to help for a tw and I would go back anytime,
    Don't miss out on a spot to be a player not a number
  • Catarax28
    184 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    BRG Wayward Knight is in the midst of their first run for Traya shards! If you want to enjoy helping out getting a guild to the next heroic level and experience what it involves to get there, join us now! They have 3 spots left after TB, cause our alliance is currently helping them out to achieve their first run!

    BRG Alliance Discord:
  • Hashineer
    2 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    Still have plenty of spots open in a few of our fully heroic guilds!! Click the discord link above and come chat us up!! ^^
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