some boring game stuff most be fixed

18 posts Member
edited October 2018
Its really nervy
I'm sure some stuff in this game is useless,for example potency and tenacity
My 7 star gear 12+ sion with 118 percent potency cant land pain on a 6 star jedi consular gear 8 with max of 15-20 percent tenacity in galatic war,TWO TIMES IN A ROW SION FAIL TO LAND PAIN ON JC
I saw this alot,what is the point we raise our toons potency or tenacity then?when the hight numbers doesn't do anything?
this is ridiculous
Or in fleet arena in a mirror match,opposite tie fighter dodge few times,specially when opposite tie fighter is only ship left in the field,dodge and give turn meter to capital ship
I see this alot
And when i was in this situation,my tie never dodges any attack and die

Or no matter what ships is in your reinforcement,always BOBA SHIP IS FIRST ONE TO BE CALLED first
This things is really annoying and unpleasant
Game development is not just you release new toons and make money from them,its also search for issues and solve them
Fix this
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