Darth Maul: Upgraded? "Clone Wars/Rebels spoiler alert"



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    He's another one I hope we'll be able to farm as we level up.

    One of my favorite dark side characters next to Vader. That fan made Maul movie was one of the best I've ever seen.
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    I've seen several fan made Maul mini movies too & they weren't too bad at all.
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    On a side note, I hope you're avatar becomes available in the near future. Him, boba, 88 and two more bounty hunters would be cool.
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    Argofett00 wrote: »
    As anyone who has seen the Clone Wars knows, Darth Maul returns. But he goes through several versions of himself that are each unique & different.

    Thanks for the spoiler >:)
    I was currently watching the clone wars on netflix :s>:)
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    Mittens wrote: »
    4) clone wars maul: top half has increased offense, bottom half has increased defense.

    He's invincible against Rey
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    Sorry about the spoilers. I'll have to post alerts for them for those just watching the Clone Wars. Consider it, something to look forward to. I have rewatched the show many times over. It never gets old. A main reason I like this game so much. I love owning the characters for battle.
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    If Luke can survive falling down an "endless pit" over Bespin why is it unrealistic for Maul to survive, heck, even Palpatine could have survived.
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    I disliked maul coming back in clone wars, but after getting over the fact I enjoyed seeing him in rebels
  • Fher
    188 posts Member
    With all the hype of getting evasion boost in Dooku-lead teams, I figured I would play around with Maul since it gives more evasion, granted it's Sith only. It seems somewhat feasible, though Maul could use a bit more HP. If we could get faster means to get Vader shards and get a reliable Sith healer/rez (Revan comes to mind) it would seal the deal, so Daka will have to do in the meantime.

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    Wow! Not bad! I've been hoping a way to use Maul would present itself. Thanks for the tips! I like Maul & I hate not having a way to fight with him where he can shine. You have just proven he can.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Im basically binge watching Clone Wars again. I skipped around to watch the Savage and Maul story arc. I thought it was really well done.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Argofett00
    197 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I'm right along with you. Just started S2 in another rewatch. I often game in between episodes. I really enjoyed the Savage/Maul storyline too. Hated to lose Savage but he didn't go down without a fight & he's equally tough here in the game. Just Maul has been hard to keep in any squad.
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    Sid-lightning maul: now as renegade sith, he glows to get vengence on all former masters all knight long!
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    Lol. His own night light, I guess... No batteries either. Lol
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    Triqui wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    I haven't ever watched any of those cartoons but bringing him back after he gets cut in half and dumped down that shaft may be the dumbest thing I've heard since the word midichlorian.


    They were catering to massive fan appeal of the character. They did it as tastefully as possible. Considering all the other totally unrealistic stuff that goes on in the Star Wars universe, we can't say it wouldn't be possible.

    That being said, watch the show. I was fairly hardcore against it. It looked like a cartoon designed for pre-teens. In some aspects, especially near the beginning it is. But the show is actually pretty brilliant. It fills in so many unexplained gaps between 2 and 3 such as depicting how Palpatine is able to eventually usurp the republic by subtly manipulating the people and government, the slow fall of Anakin into darkness, the creation of the clone army, the order 66 conspiracy with the clones, and so much more.

    Skipping the show because of its outward appearance is a mistake lol.

    Also the cartoon roleplay Anakin better than the movies :)

    What!? But Hayden Christianson is one of the best actors of our time!

    Triqui wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    I haven't ever watched any of those cartoons but bringing him back after he gets cut in half and dumped down that shaft may be the dumbest thing I've heard since the word midichlorian.


    They were catering to massive fan appeal of the character. They did it as tastefully as possible. Considering all the other totally unrealistic stuff that goes on in the Star Wars universe, we can't say it wouldn't be possible.

    That being said, watch the show. I was fairly hardcore against it. It looked like a cartoon designed for pre-teens. In some aspects, especially near the beginning it is. But the show is actually pretty brilliant. It fills in so many unexplained gaps between 2 and 3 such as depicting how Palpatine is able to eventually usurp the republic by subtly manipulating the people and government, the slow fall of Anakin into darkness, the creation of the clone army, the order 66 conspiracy with the clones, and so much more.

    Skipping the show because of its outward appearance is a mistake lol.

    Also the cartoon roleplay Anakin better than the movies :)

    What!? But Hayden Christianson is one of the best actors of our time!

    Agreed! Hayden brought out the best of Ian Mcdiarmid!!
  • Argofett00
    197 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I like Anakin Skywalker. I thought it was cool of Hayden to really to wear the armor for Episode III. For Vader, I mean.
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    I wonder what the lifespan of the average Zabrak is... he was looking pretty old in the Rebels S2 finale, although he still has some moves left in him. That's still about 35 years prior to the time of Ep VII, and according to Wookieepedia, he was born 54 years BBY. If he showed up in Episode VIII, he'd be about 90.

    I don't have him in game yet, not really looking to farm him at the moment, either.

    I read a bit of Son of Dathomir, but there's a long time period between then and his reappearance in Rebels. I wonder what he's been up to. Gotta be more than just playing hide and seek with inquisitors. I was hoping for a Maul/ Vader duel in the Rebels S2 finale, but the Ahsoka/ Vader duel plus the Kanan/ Maul duel was pretty sweet.

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    He was on Star Wars rebels last night. Called himself Maul, not Darth Maul, tried to convert Esra. I really want to watch the clone wars!!
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    Yeah, Maul dropped his "Darth" title during the Clone Wars. I figured he had to be pretty old, he was around when Anakin was a child. Glad to hear he still is as rotten as ever. A renegade Sith is a rare thing in regular Star Wars. I hope we get to find out the rest of his story too. Past & present.
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    Thanks for sharing the new info, BTW! Even though I own all 6 seasons of the Clone Wars I have not seen any episodes of Rebels(yet). I'm hoping we get a final version of Maul(maybe Old Maul) out of the new show eventually. Plus more Ahsoka, Rex, etc... It just gives us more characters for this game to want to own later.
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